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"What are you doing, Arrow?" Alpha King Rylan asked, his eyes narrowing as Arrow turned her head so that he could see them.

Purple eyes.

Just like that man in the forest.

The other Knight of the Apocalypse.

Which, when coupled with the exact same design of necklace, didn't give the greatest impression.

"I'm not working with this group called Omega Taurus or anything... in fact, I haven't laid eyes on another knight for a very long time... until you showed up."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Doesn't it?"

"Don't go getting snarky with me." The assassin scowled. "You're the one who's pinned to the table."

"I think I gathered that." She closed her eyes. "But please... leave it alone. I buried that part of my past a long time ago... and I don't particularly want to dredge up those memories."

"You're still avoiding the question."

"I was taken in by the knights when I was three years old." Genesis spoke quickly, eager to get it over with, trying to ignore the images hovering on the edge of her mind. Images from a past she wished she'd never had. "They raised me for four years before I ended up in the care of the church. End of story."

"Have you-"

She cut him off before he could get another word out. "Like I said before, I haven't spoken to any of them in years. I didn't even know they were in the area until you told me." She bit her lip, tears forming in her eyes as she swiftly put her arm across her face. "Now, please could you get off me?"

"Get off her, Arrow." Blu sighed eventually. "We'll just have to keep a close eye on her until she's free of suspicion."

"Any other questions, or am I free to go?" Genesis asked, rolling off the table, staring determinedly away from the kitchen of Alphas.

"Just head-"

"Actually..." A certain green-eyed blonde spoke up. "I'm curious about something... Something else I found in your room." Blaze tilted his head, his gaze flickering down to the thick diary he held in his hands. "What does the number 1471 mean to you?"

"It's rude to go through people's things."

"You clearly care about it enough to scrawl it enough to fill an entire book."

"Enough, Blaze." Rylan sighed. "I think we've pried into her life enough for one day."

"But I'm... concerned..." He said, caution lining his voice. "She cared about it enough to carve the number into her skin."

A hand closed around his throat, his back smashed into the wall before he could even react. Fangs were buried in his throat in the next second, drawing blood as Genesis held him there.

Green eyes were blown wide, his teeth clenched, his body frozen like a deer in the headlights because that was what he felt like in that instant.


"Blaze, what the hell are you doing?!" Pale blue eyes locked on his terrified ones.

"I suggest you stop poking that head where it doesn't belong." Genesis hissed, letting him slump to the floor. "I'd hate for you to lose it." She snarled, striding quickly out of the door, ignoring the eight sets of glowing wolfish eyes fixed on her back.

Her calm, cool, composed demeanour didn't last for long though, seeing as how she soon snapped out of the red haze she'd been caught in.

She'd lost her temper.

Something she rarely did.

For good reasons.

She shook her head, her tongue flicking out, licking up the remnants of the Alpha's blood from around her lips, trying to ignore how delicious it tasted.

It was on a whole other level to all the animal blood she usually drunk.


"What now?!" Genesis spun, fighting the urge to bare her fangs and growl.

"You might be done with their questions, but I've still got a load to ask." Russet arms folded across his neat white shirt, grey eyes boring into her own like ice picks.

"I don't feel like any more questions." Purple eyes glared right back.

"These are relating to your Gift."

"That doesn't change anything." She scowled, glaring at the Alpha of the Gifted.

Alpha Finn.

Who, coincidently, was one of the few people at the very top of her avoid-at-all-costs list.

"Come now. Wouldn't you rather get this whole fiasco out of the way...?"

"Not particularly."

"So, you'd rather this goes on your permanent record?"

"I thought it was agreed that if I help you, then this goes away." She mirrored his stance, glancing over at the set of stairs she longed to race up.

"Only if you give me the details of your actual ability."

Her feet carried her towards the Alpha before she could stop herself, her chest bouncing up against his as she completely disregarded his personal space. "And if I don't?"

His nose met hers, her challenge most definitely accepted. "Well, I suppose I'll just have to let Thorn decide on your-" He paused midsentence, grey eyes widening as they caught the sight of movement.

The movement of inky black marks across her deep olive skin.

Genesis froze too, blinking in shock as she stared at the black spirals weaving tight intricate knots over his shoulder and onto his back.

His fingers brushed her collar, his eyes fixed on the identical markings drawn there.

"Umm..." His grey eyes stared into her purple ones. "Hi?"

Genesis stumbled back, her mind overloaded as she sprinted up the stairs without a second thought, slamming her bedroom door behind her before she finally sunk to her shaking knees, reeling from the shock of finding him.

The man she'd been holding on for.

The one who might finally be able to make her bury her past.

Her mate.


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