I sit down on the platform and pull out a book as I wait for the stubborn Slytherin Prince to wake up.

It takes about half an hour beforeI hear groans coming from Draco's body on the ground beside me. His eyes snap open and he stands up quickly. As the blood rushes to his head, he leans against the wall for support.

He blinks while looking at me, "What happened?" I make my way to him ever so slowly.

"You fell and hit your head." I shrug my shoulders like it is no big deal.

He rubs his head, moaning in pain, "How long have I been out?"

I chuckle, "about thirty minutes." He looks around, and I can tell he is recalling the past events. As he does so, his hand moves towards his neck and his fingers trace where I bit him. Except, there were no bite marks because I used my blood to heal him while he slept.

"Y-you bit me. You are a-a monster!" His eyes dart around, frantically looking for a way to run past me down the stairs. I block his exit as I stand my ground.

I blink innocently, playing him "What? I did no such thing. I think you hit your head hard, maybe you should pay the nurse a visit?"

I walk towards him and he yells, "Stay away from me!"

I put my hand on his forehead, pretending to see if his head is hot, "I really think you should go see the nurse, get your mind set right. I've been reading here, waiting for you to wake up."

Draco forcibly removes my hand from his forehead and pushes me backwards. I pretend to stumble backwards. " What are you?"

"I am a witch here wanting to learn, now that doesn't sound like a monster to me. And if I did bite you, where are the marks?"

His eyes are hard, "I know you did something!"

I raise my voice ever so slightly, "I did nothing."

"I do not believe you Alexia! I knew something was truly evil about you."

Wow, he is definitely a stubborn one, "You are calling me evil? Take a long look at yourself. Your father is aiding with the return of this so called powerful wizard, Voldemort."

His eyes widen as he hears my true words, "How do you know that?"

I smirk, "I know everything there is to know. So don't make stuff up about me that isn't true. Now I suggest you take my advice and go see the nurse." His pupils dilate and he leaves with a nod as I sigh pleased.

I make my way to my room, something I wanted to do an hour ago but couldn't thanks to Draco's flirting.

Having nothing better to do, I start to doze off while thinking about my brothers and sister. Doing so makes me the slightest bit homesick in a way. I miss the friendships I used to have with them. We used to always say that we would stay together as a family always and forever; however, that has clearly not been the case.

We are all broken and apart. What monsters we have truly become. Our mother made us vampires, but we made ourselves monsters. We gave into the blood thirst and putting ourselves first. Niklaus is the worst of all.

Because of him, my youngest brother, Henrick, passed before he had the chance to be immortal. Actually, he is the reason we are who we are today. Because of Niklaus, Finn is gone. He was the most mortal out of all of us. It is all his fault. Niklaus ripped our family apart and I will get my vengeance.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door. I walk towards the door and open it. Standing outside, is Astoria. She is in my year but I have never spoken a word with her, until now.

I say politely as I can,"May I help you?"

Astoria replies with a smile,"I just wanted to let you know that we are being called to gather in the Great Hall."

I raise my eyebrows in confusion,"What for?"

She shrugs her shoulders,"I guess we will both find out when we get there."

I give her a small smile,"Thanks for informing me."

"No problem. Pansy was supposed to get the word out, but I think that she didn't want to tell you."

I roll my eyes,"That is so like her. Well thanks again, I guess I will see you there."

She starts walking away and says,"You are welcome, see you there!" How is this girl friends with Pansy? She is much less rude and is going against Pansy's wishes.

I slip on my Slytherin robes and start making my way towards the Great Hall. Everyone must already be there because I did not spot a single person in the common room. I guess Pansy has a death sentence or something if she wants to mess with me.

I try not to get worked up because I can get nasty. I need to try and attempt to stay under the radar. Well, that is not possible but I need to not draw unnecessary attention towards me.

As I walk through the corridors, I try to think of why we would all be called to the Great Hall. Nothing significant has happened. All of a sudden it hits me and a smile crawls on my face. I am looking forward to this.

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