After the daunting spell, all members of my family were immortal. We were destined for an eternity together without any more loss. We challenged the beast once and for all and scared him off. My mother was not a vampire because she did not like the lifestyle that came with immortality but supported us nonetheless.

The confidence that came with being immortal turned my brothers, and Father especially, into irrational beings who only looked for blood and the joy of killing humans. Elijah however was the most noble and every bad thing he did was for family, and I think that is why we were so close when we first turned. Finn hated being a vampire but stuck to Mother's side and seemed to disappear from our lives.

Me however, I was only stronger and wanted to find happiness like a mortal being would when they came of age. I still held onto the type of love I had thought I found in my human life, so I searched for love along with my sister. We both wanted to be humans but our only weakness and salvation was destroyed, so any hope of ending our eternity was gone.

After what happened in 1492 with Katerina and the doppleganger sacrifice to turn Niklaus back into a hybrid and while I was in my daggered state, my desire for happiness was gone. Their ways became my own.

Now here I am, no longer my old self. She is so gone.

Reminiscing about how I became what I am today brings back painful memories. The ones that are the root of my loss of family come with my first love and then the story turns tragic when my family got involved.

I run away from my house as fast as I can. I look back to see if anyone is following me, but all I see is the light from the fires in the village disappearing as I continue to run. The darkness of night cloak me as I flee my village and made my way towards my future.

I make it to the next village in about twenty minutes and when I arrive, it is quiet and peaceful, something that soothes my nerves. I walk over to a house and make my way towards the back door. I open it without a second thought and slip in quickly before anyone here can see me.

"Alexia, what are you doing here?" I turn away from the wooden door that I just closed and meet his intense gaze.

"Elliot, I just had to see you!" I walk over to the guy that captured my attention from day one. I touch his blushing cheek as I notice his dishelved brown hair from sleeping prior to my entrance. His deep blue eyes stare into mine and it is a look I cannot shake or escape.

He asks with concern evident in his voice, "Do they know, my love?" I know he is referring to my family, so I shake my head no. Father would be so angry with me if he found out that I was seeing someone.

I plead to Elliot, "Father mustn't know!" No one knows about our love and I intend to keep it that way. I've seen what father has done to Rebekah's loves. He has threatened them to leave or he has killed them. I do not want the same fate for my dear Elliot.

"I know, no one will ever know. We could run away together and live a happy life, Alexia!" I ponder the thought of a beautiful future with my love and bite my lip as I think of the life we could have. A vibrant smile forms on my face as I wrap my small arms around his strong torso. I could be with my one true love, away from my crazy Father.

I pull back from the embrace and raise my head so my lips meet his. The kiss is short and sweet though because he pulls away and presses his forehead against mine. "Tonight, we could tonight." He opens his eyes and I see excitement he holds.

He presses his soft lips to mine again but this time it is more intense. He pulls me closer to his body as if he could not get close enough to me and places his hands firmly on my waist. I move my hands to play with the ends of his messy brown hair that I love.

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