Chapter 17

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Back at rich kingdom, General Ozumi calls all of the soldiers gathering all of them outside then Judge Baofam, Kai-Shek and Captain Gretofar arrives also ready for battle. Moments later, King Oojiken and Shiro arrives and wonders why? General Ozumi and the others are gathered outside the kingdom then King Oojiken said "Ozumi, what's the meaning of this?" General Ozumi replies "well, it's time to put an end to your reign Oojiken and we are declaring an open rebellion against the both of you!" Admiral Kai-Shek said "now is the time for the two of you to perish! SOLDIERS ATTACK! (pointing at Shiro and King Oojiken)" Shiro turns around saying "your majesty, we should get out of here!" King Oojiken replies "what?! why?! are you out of your mind?!" Shiro answers "no! what I mean is, I don't want any people around 19 cities to be in danger so, we'll lead them into a place far away from here and that's the time were gonna fight all of them." King Oojiken said "okay! let's go! (flies away with Shiro)" as the both of them deploys immediately some of the soldiers started attacking shooting some flaming arrows, General Ozumi and the others flies up in mid-air following Shiro and King Oojiken into a field up north where there are no people to be involved of the open rebellion lead by General Ozumi.

   Meanwhile, King Oojiken arrives first in the field and started fighting some soldiers beating and taking them down one by one but on the other hand, Shiro flies up very high unleashing a fire fist wiping out the whole army of soldiers burning and turning all of them to ashes then unexpectedly, Captain Gretofar attacks from a unknown direction landing a vicious strike Shiro turns around immediately parrying the attack and Shiro said "well, well, a new comer (smiles) are you also one of King Oojiken's officials?" Captain Gretofar replies "yes but I don't entertain my opponents (uses a force slash pushing Shiro away)" but Judge Baofam attacks from behind landing a hammer shot Shiro uses shunpo and told himself "(landing on the ground) whoa! two against one (smiles) I'm gonna enjoy this battle cause I can try the other abilities that I've learned from Gem Gem and with Red Dragon of course (gasps)" suddenly, Captain Gretofar and Judge Baofam started throwing some vicious combinations Shiro parries it one by one and Shiro counters unexpectedly unleashing a huge amount of energy pushing away Captain Gretofar and Judge Baofam falling to the ground..................General Ozumi appears saying "King Oojiken, this is the place where you and Shiro will die (laughs)" King Oojiken replies "ha! if you can prove it Ozumi but why don't you try it on me before you try it on Shiro." Seconds later, General Ozumi and King Oojiken started crossing swords everywhere occurring some loud thuds and in no time, King Oojiken crashes to the ground and before he lands, Admiral Kai-Shek throws a hard kick hitting King Oojiken in the back then General Ozumi lands a quick slash King Oojiken disappears immediately and attacks from behind using a hammer slash General Ozumi spins away throwing some his double bladed spear hitting King Oojiken on his left shoulder Admiral Kai-Shek dashes forward landing a vicious strike King Oojiken was hit on his chest screaming in pain then all of a sudden, Shiro steps in throwing some fire balls General Ozumi and Admiral Kai-Shek runs fast avoding all of the fire balls occurring some explosions everywhere.

   Meanwhile, Shiro looks to theleft and was shock of what he had seen then General Ozumi runs fast picking uphis double bladed spear and dashes forward throwing some vicious swings Shiroevades it with ease and lands a sudden slash General Ozumi grunts in painhitting him on his right shoulder and backs away quickly Shiro dashes forwardlanding a fiery slash hitting General Ozumi on his left shoulder creating an xmark on his body spilling a lot of blood but Admiral Kai-Shek and the otherswas shock of what they have witnessed then Captain Gretofar flies fast landinga quick slash Shiro jumps away and told himself "one." CaptainGretofar jumps away and dash slash Shiro dodges to the left telling himselfagain "two (keeping his sword)" Captain Gretofar wonders and askssaying "why did you sheathe your sword? have you given up already?"Shiro replies "it's none of your business." Captain Gretofar dashesforward throwing a vicious stab Shiro dodges to the right and grabs CaptainGretofar's right arm breaking it and Shiro lands a hard elbow knocking outCaptain Gretofar, Shiro gets back up saying "who's next?" JudgeBaofam steps in saying "I'm next! (takes his stance)" moments after,Shiro and Judge Baofam started beating each other in one place and up above thered sky, the strange warrior appears again with a smile on his face saying"Shiro never makes me disappointed everytime I see him fight specially inthis kind of situation." Back at the intense battle a loud explosionoccurs and after a while, Judge Baofam groans in pain because of the fire fistthat Shiro has unleashed then Shiro floats in mid-air moving forward saying"this is the end Baofam! (creates a fire wall)" making a direct hitto Judge Baofam falling to the ground unconscious.

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