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8 years before. . .

Dragon S kneels down and said "have you decided yet?" Cronus walks forward and said "not yet!" Dragon S was shock standing up and said "(eyes wide open) what? how come? how come you have not made a decision?! why?" Cronus replies nervously looking at the wall of warriors saying "it's very hard to decide between these three warriors right here (Dragon S walks and takes a look)" then Cronus said "who do you think? who among these three?" Dragon S replied "it's your decision not mine but who do you think would be the next hero of dragon planet?" as Cronus thinks about his decision walking back and forth............Dragon S comes up with an idea and said "that's it! (smiles)" Cronus stops and said "what's that?" Dragon S replied "let's ask Hyakka Juon Fang and let him decide." Cronus turns around and said "we cant, I'm sorry but when it comes to choosing a new hero the great dragon god himself won't decide and I might be put to exile then you might be banished to a very far place that no one could ever find it and only the great dragon god himself knows where this very far place is located but...............I already made my decision and the warrior that I'm gonna choose is...............Shiro." Dragon S walks away putting his brown cloak saying "finally! (laughs) well, I shall depart to dragon planet and find this boy named Shiro (walking towards the drop off gate)" Cronus opens the gate and said "good luck."

Time has come that the guardian of dragon planet himself decided to choose a new hero.

A Boy's MissionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora