Chapter 34

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It took me awhile to tell them the story as they kept interrupting me with questions. But, as I reached the end, everyone fell silent and Dot almost broke my hand, she was squeezing it so hard. She only let go when I reminded her they were already injured. After the others put the food away, Zak came into the room with a quiet sigh. I smirked at him.

"So, when are we meeting with Llewellyn?" He smirked back, shaking his head as he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Look who actually knows her way around the political system." I threw a pillow which he easily dodged.

"I thought you couldn't lift your arms?"

"I'll make an exception for you." He laughed and walked over to me, helping me out of the bed as I leaned on him for support.

'Man, woman, you need a bath." I slapped his arm and he chuckled. "The meeting will start whenever you get there. No ones pushing you so be ready to tell us if you feel yourself waning." I nodded as he wrapped his arm around my waist and took a hold of my hand so he could help keep me steady. I tested out walking on my jelly legs and Zak frowned.

"You know, I can carry you downstairs." I glared at him.

"You try that and I will make you drop me." His grin lit up his entire face and I couldn't help at the warmth in it.

"Stubborn princess."

"Annoying jerk." I countered and we both smiled at each other before Zak continued to help me towards the door.

"Dot took Cody to the meeting room for us so we'll meet him there." Zak frowned, keeping a tight grip on my body as I stumbled carefully down the stairs. I nodded, only half listening because it was taking a lot of concentration to keep my feet moving one in front of another. Maybe I aught to take Zak up on his offer? I pushed the thought away the moment it appeared. The last thing I needed right now was everyone thinking I was too weak to look after myself. So, I admit, it took us a while to get to the second floor, by which time I was absolutely exhausted. It didn't seem to affect the others, however, as when we walked into the meeting room Llewellyn, Othello and Calista all stood up with tight smiles. No one said a word as Zak helped me to a chair. I'd barely sat down when Cody crawled into my lap and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I sighed, Calistas red dress seemed ghastly even to me.

Llewellyn cleared his throat and leaned closer to me. 

"I'd like to start this meeting by thanking you, Teranika, for what you did for my son. Whether you knowingly did it, or not, you put your life in peril in place of his and I can not thank you enough for that." An awkward silence filled the room as Llewellyn leaned forward to pull a hand full of papers towards him. I felt like I should say something in response but the atmosphere told me that was the wrong thing to do. "However, we do need to discuss what happened. The others have told me everything you told them but I'd still like to ask you some questions." I nodded heavily.

"Yes Alpha." Llewellyns mouth quirked up at the corner and I dropped my chin to hide the smile that appeared in response.

"I want your opinion on several things the others told me. First of all, why did you notice there was a poison?" I shook my head, my hair falling in front of my face. I pushed it out of my eyes and looked up at Llewellyn.

"I didn't know. i just knew that something smelled strange. It's nice to be thanked but I didn't know that the consequence would be at risk of my own life. I smelled something strange and reacted. That's all." Llewellyn frowned and leaned back in his chair, studying me with a glint in his eyes. After a moment, he nodded like he was satisfied with my answer and looked back down at the pieces of paper.

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