Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

Zayn turns to Zack once he has Chloe strapped into her seat, her falling back asleep almost instantly. He scoops up his son and settles him into his own seat, "were you helping Chloe?" Zayn asks as he straps him in. Zack grins tiredly, nodding his head "I help 'lo, she ick" Zack mumbles tiredly. Zayn smiles kissing Zack's forehead, "that's my sweet boy. Thank you for helping your sister" he hums, before he shuts the door and moves to climb into his own seat. Once he's driving Zayn calls Liam to explain what's happening to his husband. 

"Hey Babe I can't talk long, what's up?" Liam answers and Zayn chuckles, he sounds busy and out of breath. "I was just wondering if you can leave early enough to pick up Bella afterschool?" Zayn asks. Liam makes a confused sound and Zayn hears papers shuffling "I don't know we have a few meetings this afternoon, did something happen?" Liam answers. Zayn bites his lip, "Chloe has a fever and I'm on my way home with the twins, it's fine I'll see if Louis, or my mum can grab her" he answers. "Poor thing. I'm sorry Zayn, we're just busy here today" Liam mumbles. Zayn rolls his eyes "I know you are, and that's okay, I'm not upset. I'll take these two home and call Lou, see if he can pick up Bella, you just worry about your meetings" he hums. Liam groans "I love you. I'll see you at home, I'll be there for dinner, promise" he hums. Zayn chuckles "I love you too. I'll see you later" he answers before hanging up.

"Alright" Zayn breathes once he's parked the car and looks into the back seat to see both Zack and Chloe asleep, he knows Zack will be waking up soon, the boy still not a fan of sleeping too long during the day. But Chloe is another story she loves her sleep, when she isn't sick, so is likely to be impossible to wake up right now. Climbing out Zayn decides to bring both kids in, and come back out to get everything else, he starts with Zack, scooping his son into his arms first, before moving around to the other side and carefully scooping Chloe into his other arm, making his way slowly into the house. Aurora barks once when Zayn unlocks and opens the door, Zack lifts his head from Zayn's shoulder blinking sleepily at the sound. "Sorry Bubba, but we're home now" Zayn hums, and Zack nods sleepily, dropping his head back onto his Baba's shoulder. Zayn moves through the house settling both sleeping toddlers onto the couch before he turns around, opening the back door to let Aurora outside before he runs back out to his car to get his and the twins' bag.

Zayn checks on Chloe and Zack quickly before moving to the kitchen and putting the kettle on, before he grabs his phone to quickly call Louis, it ringing three times before being answered. "Hello?" Harry asks and Zayn makes a face, "I'm almost positive I called Louis" he chuckles and Harry laughs. "You did, but he's...busy, so I grabbed it, what's up Zee?" Harry asks slowly. Zayn shakes his head "I swear if you two answered the phone while having sex again I'm going to kill you both" he grumbles. Harry laughs again, "nope, no sex, what's going on?" he asks. Zayn grins "Um Chloe's sick, so I brought her and Zack home, but Liam's busy at work and I need someone to pick Bella up from school, so I don't have to drag the sick little bug back out" Zayn explains. "So you need me and Lou, to go get Bella for you?" Harry asks and Zayn nods before answering "if you can, I can always call my mum and ask her" he says. "No. Louis and I have nothing on this afternoon, sure we can go get Bella for you. You want her straight home, or can Lou and I take her out somewhere?" Harry asks. Zayn groans before rubbing a hand over his face, "thank you, and you can take her out, just no sugar before dinner" he warns. Harry chuckles "that's Liam and Louis, not me, I'll keep him in line and we'll have her home for dinner" he says. Zayn lets out a relieved breath "thank you, I owe you guys" he mumbles. "Don't worry about it Zee, just take care of Chloe. We'll see you later" Harry grins before they both quickly say goodbye and hang up"

"Baba!" Zack shouts from the other room and Zayn moves quickly to see what he needs "what is it Bubba, you okay?" Zayn asks worriedly. Zack grins "play?" he asks, head tilting to the side and Zayn shakes his head "yeah we can play, we just gotta be quiet, let Chloe sleep" Zayn says gesturing to where Chloe is cuddled up with her blankets on the couch. Zack pouts "shh. 'Lo 'ick" he giggles and Zayn nods"yeah Chloe's sick, Bub. What do you want to play?" he asks. Zack rolls his eyes at his Baba before he gets up and moves to grab his trains "train Baba" he says like Zayn should have known and to be honest Zayn should have known. Zack always wants to play with his trains, it's very rare he wants to play anything else, "okay Zack, we'll play trains. How about I go down to the playroom and bring up your tracks?" Zayn asks. Zack grins widely, nodding his head, "p'eas Baba" he says happily, Zayn and Liam rarely allowing the train tracks to come up out of the playroom, but Zayn figures it will keep Zack entertained and they can be close in case Chloe needs him.

Zayn's sipping his tea as Zack drives his trains around the elaborate track the pair had built which takes up most of the room. "Baba" Chloe whines and Zayn turns quickly to look at the couch, "hey Babe, how you feeling?" Zayn hums getting up to scoop her into his arms when she reaches for him, noticing how warm she still feels. "Let's get you some medicine and some juice and then maybe we can put on a movie, and you and I can cuddle while Zack plays with his trains" Zayn murmurs, pressing a kiss to her heated forehead. "Baba 'ick" Chloe whines and Zayn chuckles "I know Tiny Dancer, Baba's gonna try to fix it" he coos. "Zack you stay in here and don't break anything, Baba's gonna go get Chloe some medicine" Zayn instructs eyeing their little troublemaker seriously. "Help 'Lo" Zack says before he crawls under the coffee table pushing his train along the track. Zayn chuckles before he turns to carry Chloe towards the bathroom and all the medicine.

"No Baba, yuck" Chloe whines pushing on Zayn's hands as he tries to get her to take the medicine. "Chloe I know it doesn't taste good, but it's going to help you feel better, please just take it?" Zayn pleads. Chloe narrows her eyes and purses her lips before she shakes her head and pushes on Zayn's hands again. "Tiny Dancer you take this and I'll get you a cookie" Zayn offers, seeing the moment Chloe thinks it over before she opens her mouth, still glaring at Zayn as he squirts the medicine in. "Yuck" Chloe mutters as she takes the sippy cup Zayn offers her, and Zayn wants to laugh because it is pretty funny. "Thank you" he hums kissing her head, and scooping her back up to go get the promised cookie. Zayn smiles when he gets back to the living room to see Zack still just playing with his trains, "Zack you want a cookie?" Zayn asks, laughing when the toddler comes running "p'eas Baba" he grins making grabby hands at Zayn, who chuckles passing him the cookie he brought for him. Zayn settles onto the couch with Chloe cuddled into him and flips on the TV as Zack goes back to his trains and he can't help but feel content even if his baby is sick.

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