: 17. ember :

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"...there's something Sunstreaker and I need to talk to you about."

"Alright, what do you need?" I spoke, keeping my gaze on Sideswipe, but seeing the normally-all-too-cocky Sunstreaker nervously shift in my presence.

Sideswipe opened his mouth, and then closed it, looking around. "Let's talk in private." He finally spoke.

I looked around to find Macey, I wanted to tell her that I was leaving, but I couldn't seem to find her. Ironhide probably scooped her away to do God knows what. I turned back to find Sideswipe and Sunstreaker standing much closer than they were before. I took a step back to get some air, but when I did it was incredibly cold.

Sunstreaker took the lead, forcing a path through the crowd in the hanger. I followed behind him, Sideswipe walking close behind me with a hand grazing my bare back every few moments.

Exiting the crowd was the most refreshing thing I have ever experienced. No more smell of expensive perfume and champagne. No more loud conversations followed by ugly fake laughs.

Even though, technically, the three of us were not in private, Sunstreaker did not slow his movements, if anything he sped up. It was incredibly hard for me to keep up in these heels Macey forced me to wear.

You have to look nice tonight, she said.

For what reason? I responded, looking in the mirror at my elegant dress.

Tonight is going to be a very important night for you. She vaguely answered.

I memory was cut short when I ran into something. Well, more like someone. It was the taller of the twins: Sunstreaker. Sideswipe moved from his stance behind me to next to his brother and, once again, whispered something in his ear. I tried to listen, but I just couldn't.

"Guys, you're scaring me, what's going on?" That caught their attention. Immediately, I push lightly pushed behind Sunstreaker. Sideswipe scanned the hallway for a threat. When the airheads realized that I was talking to them, they turned back around to face me.

"Are you okay?" Sunstreaker asked bluntly. This was the first time I've heard him speak in almost fifteen minutes.

"Yes?" I questioned myself. "But," I continued, "I need answers. What is going on with you two?"

The two Cybertronians shared a look and then nodded.

"Ember, let's go into this room so we can talk." Sideswipe said gently, moving aside to show a door behind him. He pushed open the door, I looked into the room before entering, making sure it wasn't some place to kill people or something similar.

It wasn't.

It was what looked to be a conference room. A long, dark table was in the middle with black padded chairs lining each side, only one at the head.

I walked in, taking sitting down in the chair closest to the door. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker choose to sit directly across from me.

"What the hell is happening?"

"Ember, do you know the story of Macey and Ironhide?" Sideswipe asked. He knew their story better than Sunstreaker or I, considering we were in different states when those two star-crossed lovers met.

"Yes? What does that have to do with anything?"

"You know the, uh, mark, thing that Ironhide sees on her back?" I hummed in response, slowly nodding my head. Of course I knew about it, sometimes it was all she talked about. "Um-you see, you-um-we..." Sideswipe looked to Sunstreaker for support on finishing his sentence.

Sunstreaker looked the more nervous than I'd ever seen him. He wouldn't look me in the eye or basically at me.

"We see it on you, on your back." Sunstreaker finished in one quick breath.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said, 'We see it-"

"Oh, I know what you said."

I then actually processed what he said.

We see it on you. Meaning: You hold our mark, Ember. We are destined to be together.

"You're lying." I plainly spoke, no emotion whatsoever. Their eyes widened.

"What? No!"

"Stop lying to me. Why do everyone lie so much? Is this some type of sick joke Macey planned for you? Did you guys just make her be a fake friend to me all to do this-this fucking joke?"

"Ember, love, I swear to Primus, we swear, we're not lying."

"Yes. Yes, you are. Don't call me love." I spat.

With that, I got up and left the room.

And I didn't look back to see their shocked faces as my tears finally fell.

• • •
it's short but i woke up like half an hour ago and am procrastinating studying for midterms

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