: 15. ember :

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Half an hour after I came into the hanger, Sunstreaker was still asleep-or in stasis as Sideswipe called it. At some point, I set down on the cat walk and allowed my feet to swing over the sides.

About ten minutes ago, Sideswipe decided to deactivate his holoform without warning, it scared me a bit when he suddenly just disappeared into thin air.

For some reason, deep down in my heart I wanted to be there was Sunstreaker woke up. I had been silent since arriving. Sideswipe, on the other hand, has been swapping between talking my ear off and staring right at my face and complimenting me.

"You have really pretty eyes, Ember."

"Thank you, Sideswipe," I mumbled. "That's the fifth time you've said it."

"S-sorry. I'm just a little nervous. Ya'know that whole you're my-" he stopped in his tracks.

"I'm your what?" I questioned, turning my body towards him.

"Uh, nothing?" Narrowed my eyes at him.

I was about to say a rebuttal, but was interrupted by the sounds of groaning coming from Sunstreaker. Sideswipe turning to see his brother and a smile formed on his face. With loud steps, he made his way over to Sunstreaker.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Sunny!" Sideswipe exclaimed, a little too excited.

"Stop calling me that, you aft." Sunstreaker didn't need to open his eyes to know what it had been Sideswipe practically hovering over him.

I sat there silently, not knowing what to do or what to say.

I know how badly Sunstreaker wanted to get back together with his brother, so I didn't want to ruin any of the time they got together. Even if Sunstreaker never said it out loud, it wasn't hard to tell that he cares very deeply for his brother.

Sideswipe actually tore his eyes off of Sunstreaker to look to me, which made Sunstreaker follow his brothers line of sight. Right to me. When our eyes met, I saw an underlying sadness at the admiration-filled look I received from Sideswipe. My face reddened under their intense stares.

"Uh, great to see you're okay, Sunstreaker." I said quietly, only looking into his eyes when I said his name. He nodded and sat up on the Autobot-sized medical bed. "Um, I guess I'll leave you two to bonding."

I was about to get up before Sideswipe called to me, "wait! Don't go."

I smiled. "You and your brother need to bond and I'm not going to be the wedge between that."

Without anything else, I got up and went back in the direction of my room.

• • •

I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling when there was a knock at the door.

As I walked to the door, I was yelling: "Skids if you dump a bucket of water on me-" upon opening the door, it wasn't Skids. It was Macey. "Sorry 'bout that. Thought you were Skids."

"It's all good. Listen, are you busy right now?"

"Uh, no. Why?"

She smiled devilishly, "good. Come with me."

She took ahold of my hand and barely gave me time to close the door before we were heading to the hanger.

"Woah, Macey what's going on?"

"Me and you are going to try on some fancy dresses!" I looked at her questionably.


"Shit, I forgot you haven't been here a for a whole year. Well, it's sort of tradition at the NEST base to have this formal dance, sort of like the Army Navy Ball, but just the members of NEST and their significant others."

"But. . .I'm not a member of NEST or a significant other of one." The wheels seemed to turn in her head at how to respond to this.

"Well, then you'll be my plus one. I'm sure that there's some lucky young man, or Autobots, who would love to be your escort." She winked at me.

"Yeah I'm not good at the whole flirting thing. I don't think I can find a date that quickly."

"We can worry about dates later. Now, it's dress time."

• • •

"Ember, what do you think about this one?"

"Macey, you're making this feel like wedding dress shopping," I groaned. She playfully rolled her eyes and motioned for me to answer her pervious question. "I think I like the last one more."

"Uh, but that one showed way too much cleavage."

I sat back in the chair a smiled. "Maybe your ol' Ironhide needs a little more boobies in his life."

"You're too young to be thinking that way, missy." She called as she walked back into the dressing room.

"You're only like four years older than me!"

"Still older!" I heard the sounds of material ruffling and then silence. "Macey? You good?"

She walked out with a huge smile on her face. The dress was beautiful. Black and full of elegance. It was a long dress that hugged everything beautifully. Off the shoulders, exposing her collar bone and pale skin.

"I think I'm in love with this dress. This is the one."

"Let's hope you're saying that soon for another dress. A white one more specifically." I winked at her.

"Alright, alright. Enough teasing. Your turn to find the second most important dress of your life." She walked back into the room once again to take the dress off.

Coming back out, she was dressed in athletic shorts and a green shirt reading 'US ARMY'.

"Alright time to get you a dress. I think we should definitely go with an open back, if you're comfortable with it of course."

I shrugged. "Sure, whatever you think'll looks good."

"Here try this," she handed me a dress through the curtain. "And trust me, you'll look so good that boys will be fighting over you." She then mumbled, "but they definitely won't succeed."

"What was that?" I called.

"Nothing! Dress. I wanna see now."

I walked out. Her face lit up. "That's the one. That dress was made for you."

• • •
yo, two updates in 24 hours.
filler chapter but i have a lot planned for the next chapter.
not edited.

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