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          I don't know how I ended up here: in Southern California near the Mexican border. I can replay the series of events in my head, but I can't wrap it around the end result; if this was the end, which it most likely was.

          I had nearly nothing in terms of food. I didn't have any money to buy more food, nor would I be able to get a job to make said money.

          I didn't have anywhere to go. The people who I've trusted my entire life were betraying me the whole time.

          I was wondering along the streets of a pretty shady neighborhood trying to find a place to stay for the night. I'm down to only fifty dollars, so I need to find the cheapest place to say. I know for a fact that sleeping outside is not an option because I wouldn't live to see the morning.

          "Hey, mama, what's a pretty lady like you doin' out here all 'lone?" I ignored the disgusting man trying to catcall me. The count for cat calling is now up to fifty-seven. And that's tonight alone.

          "Yo, don't be like that," he came up and grabbed my arm, pushing me up against the nearest building, "let's have some fun why don't we," he immediately put his mouth on my neck. I haven't said a single word yet. I was waiting until he was weak.

          Right when I felt his back slack, I kicked him behind the right knee, causing him to tumble to the ground into a pile of groans and curses.

          I took off running as fast as I could down the road. There wasn't anyone who tried to stop me.

          "You bitch! Get your ass back here!" I heard heavy footsteps following behind me, getting closer and closer. I made a quick turn down an alley, trying to get him off my tail.

          Bad choice. It was a dead end. What do I do now? My heart started racing faster than it had all night. I spun on my feet, trying to figure out a solution. I heard his yells and footsteps getting closer and closer. Louder and louder. All of the sudden, I fell to the ground and rolled under a dumpster.

          The man came down the alley, slowing his footsteps, believing that he'd cornered me.

          Here, kitty kitty kitty," he was mocking me with his tone of voice, "I promise I ain't gonna hurt ya. I just wanna have some fun."

          I guess that he believed I had jumped the wired fencing that cut the alley into two section. Thank God that I hadn't gone that path, he actually would've caught me. When his loud boots landing onto the concrete, I rolled out from under the dumpster, quickly got to my feet again and ran. I heard a roar of anger come from the man, but there were no menacing footsteps to follow.

         After five minutes of a run, I slowed to a jog and then a walk. It didn't take me long to catch my breath since running like this was a nightly occurrence. I found a motel that was only seven dollars for a room and walked in.

          There was an old woman sitting at the desk. She reminded me of my grandmother. Light, shortcut gray hair. Purple rimmed glasses. A crucifix hanging from her neck. Short and extremely lean. I could see the veins that snaked their way up her forearms, showing her age.

           "What can I do for you, sweetie?" Sweetie. That's what they used to call me. Every time I saw them, it was sweetie, "are you okay, Honey? Do you need help or anything," her tone of voice hinted to the fact that she knew more than she was letting on. She probably knew about what had happened less than twenty minutes ago.

          "No thank you, ma'am. I'm fine."

          "Oh, don't call me ma'am, please call me Sheila."

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