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     I have been staying in the motel for almost a week now. The first three days, I paid for a room, but after that Sheila refused to take my money. We had both fallen into our own routine: I would wake up, we'd eat breakfast, talk for hours, eat lunch, I'd go back to my room, eat dinner, I'd go to bed, and repeat over the next day. Even though I liked how things currently were, I knew it could stay like this. I have to moving again before they found me, and today was the day I was leaving.

      It was early morning, before the sun even rose when I first got into the shower. By the time I got out of the shower, the sun had completely risen.

      I attempted to towel dry my hair, but even though it was now much shorter, it was still unrealistically thick and took forever to dry. Finally giving up, I just made it into a small bun on the top of my head. I put on a pair of jeans and the shirt Sheila gave me.

I already had my bag ready to go again, so I just threw it over my shoulders and walked out of the door of my old room, never once looking back.

       I was hoping that when I left Sheila wouldn't be sitting at the front desk, but she was and that only made this so much harder. I planned to just leave her this heartfelt note I had written the night before. It was in my hands, but I crumbled it seeing that I wasn't going to be needing it.

      "Is everything okay, hunny?" She looked concerned for my well being.

Over the past week, her and I have grown particularly close. I told her things about my family that no one else knew. Two days ago, she even introduced me to her children. Her daughter, Teresa, and I talked for almost the whole night. Teresa thought that her brother David and I would have the, and I quote, "most amazing and strong relationship. Plus, he's the perfect height for you!" He was a pretty nice guy, but not my type. He seemed to timid and I would always have to make the first move.

       "Hunny?" Somewhere while I was stuck in my thoughts, Sheila made her way over to me, "are you alright?"

     I gave her a sad, closed mouth smile. She knew what this meant: I was leaving. I saw tears starting to slowly form in the corners of her eyes, but none formed in mine. Even though they wanted to, I was not going to be that weak and allow tears. Not again. Not ever.

       Without warning, Sheila wrapped her arms around my midsection. It startled me quite a bit and I jumped, but after realizing it was okay, I wrapped my arms around her tiny body also. Her head only didn't even go up to my chest. I was pretty tall to begin with and she was pretty short, so it was a bit of an awkward and uncomfortable hug.

       "I'm going to miss you, hunny. You do good in that world okay? You follow your dreams. And if you have the chance, come back here and we'll go out to lunch, okay?"

       "I will, Sheila. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I could not possibly ask for anything else from you."

       "It was my pleasure, dear," I untangled myself from her and took a step back, getting ready to leave.

       "Alight then, goodbye now."

       "No," she raised a finger to me, "don't you ever say 'goodbye' to anyone. Got me? It's always a 'see you later'. When you say 'goodbye', you're saying you'll never see that person again," there was this tone in her voice that I couldn't describe. It was something I'd never heard come from her mouth before.

       "Okay, Sheila. I'll keep that in mind forever and always. On that note, I'll see you later," before I even got her response, I walked out of the motel. I felt bad about it, but I knew if I stayed another minute longer, I never would've been able to leave.

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