: 4. sunstreaker :

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      I was in somewhat of a peaceful recharge when it became interrupted by that fleshy. I had myself in the corner on the opposite side of the building from her, but I could still hear every movement, sniffle, and whimper coming from her. I tried to ignore it, but that thing just wouldn't stop making so much commotion.

      There were only two options here: let her continue to recharge and keep me up or wake her up and have me recharge in peace. I went with the one where I am benefited. I transformed and started making my way over to her.

       I was a good distance away from here when I noticed the state she was in: a thin layer of liquid covering her face and a stream of a different liquid running from her optics. Her hair was all disheveled and tangles around her face. Her limbs were flailing around every once and a while. I could see the rapid rate her chest was moving up and down. The only thing that actually told me she was still in recharge was the fact that she hasn't shut up yet.

       Before I could take another step towards her, her body flew up into a sitting position atop the machinery, and screamed.

      "NO STOP! DON'T HURT HIM!" She fell to the ground with frantic, fearful eyes. She still thought she was asleep. Her optics met mine and she seemed to calm down a little bit. I just crossed my arms, annoyed with this whole situation and looked at her. I rolled my optics and without a word, turned around and went back to my stop, hopefully to get a decent recharge.


       It took a while, but eventually I was actually able to get some recharge. The soft muffled cries died down after about ten minutes from what I could tell. I never checked back up on her after that, I don't think she even got anymore recharge.

      I noticed the sunlight peeking through the metal door to the building and decided it's time to go and find Sideswipe. It's been so long since I've seen him. I wonder if he's been trying to look for me. There was something definitely messing with our bond since I could barely find him on this planet, let alone communicate with him.

       I transformed and walked back over to the fleshing laying down in her same stop,
staring up at the roof.

       "Time to go," my words were short and to the point, no more communication than necessary. Without resistance, she got up and grabbed her bag again. I could see her flinch slightly when she put too much pressure on one arm, but that was her fault. It wasn't my fault that she managed to get herself shot.

       I pushed open the decent sized doors with ease. To me, they were the normal size, but to her they were huge which I thought was a bit funny: it showed just how vulnerable and weak she was compared to me.

       I walked over to the road and transformed into my sleek alt mode. I hated being on this planet, but this alt mode did make me look nice, so I'm not complaining there. When I first got this alt mode, almost every human that came within sights distance of me was practically drooling over me, I'm just that attractive.

      The femme wasn't the same way at first when she took in my interior. This time when I transformed, I got no reaction from her at all. No wide eyes. No open mouth. Nothing. Just looking down at the ground with a strange expression. That dream was somehow affecting her mental capabilities, not my problem though.

"Let's hurry it up, fleshy," she snapped out of her trance and sat down in the seat and I took off.

"Alright, you're taking me to my brother. Do you know how to get there?" She just shook her head, and continued with mess with her hands.

"If I get a map, then I can probably," her voice was quick and quiet, quieter than I have heard it before. She sounded as if her mind was on another planet. I didn't say anything in response, what was there to say? I wanted the least amount of contact as possible with this human.

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