: 12. sideswipe :

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        "How is she doing today, Ratchet?"

        "I told you the seven other times that you asked, I'm not going to tell you. Stop acting like a love crazed sparkling and get back to work."

         "Please," I dragged out, "I haven't seen her out of her room in four days. Ironsides femme isn't telling me anything either. What's going on?" I basically begged Ratchet for information. Everything that I was telling him was completely true, the beautiful Ember has not left her designated room in four days; at least, to my knowledge.

       "Can't you just go and be a bother to Ironhide or someone else?"

        "I already did that today and he told me the same thing." I told him. It as also true. Ironhide threatened to throw me in a river. I know he wouldn't be a blessing to ever do that, because it would blow our cover and everything, but I don't know what else he is capable of. He can be quite scary sometimes.

Ratchet just grumbled and turned back to his work, completely ignoring me. I took this as my que to leave, seeing that he wasn't going to respond anytime soon.

I started just wondering around the hanger, stopping every once and a while to speak with a fellow Autobot or a human who needs something.

"Hey, Sideswipe!" I heard called to me, about twenty feet away. I turned to face the voice. It was Macey, standing on one of the catwalks for humans. I walked over to her, confused as to why she was speaking to me, especially since Ironhide wasn't present.

"Uh, what do you need, Macey?"

"I need you, in your holoform, in meeting room five in about ten minutes." She started walking away, but I called back out to her.

"What is it that you need for me exactly?"

She looked around cautiously. "I'm not supposed to tell you anything, but it's about Ember."

My Spark leaped in my chest. "I-is she going to be there?"

"Yes, now go get ready. You and I need to be there in seven minutes now."

I waisted no time in turning around and quickly hurrying to my stop in the hanger. I transformed and activated my holoform. Excitement and nervousness were swirling throughout my entire being. What if I messed up? What if I scared her or something? What if I made her hate me?

I looked at the clock and hurried down hallways to the meeting room, exactly on time. I calmed myself before opening the door. Also quickly cleaning up my look, making myself presentable for Ember.

I opened the door, finding Prime, Ratchet, Ironhide, Macey and most importantly Ember sitting at the long table. Obviously, the three Autobots were using their holoform, keeping our secret from Ember.

"Took you long enough to get here, kid."

"I'm not a kid." I grumbled. Before Ironhide could send me another remark, Macey interrupted him.

"Sideswipe, could you sit down, please?" She gave a sweet, motherly-like smile. I looked from her to Ember a few times and then slowly nodded, sitting down. Ember had been looking down into her lap since I opened the door. She kept biting the inside of her cheek, seeming very nervous.

"Um, what's going on?" I asked nervously.

             "Ember here has something to tell you. Don't you, Ember?" Macey started. Looking at Ember as if she were one of her students. Ember looked up, but never looked directly at me. She kept looking to Macey, who nodded reassuringly.

              "I. . .um, God, how do I say this? Alright, so I know what you all are. Now that we have that straight, before I got here, I was traveling with, um, one of you." I was puzzled with what she was saying, but everyone else looked like they've already heard this. "And when he left me alone, that's when the Deceptions captured me and you already know the details of that." She stopped. And then looked at Macey.

             "Just say it, Ember. You're going to be fine. Remember, in and out. In and out."

            Ember looked directly up at me, right into my eyes. "Sideswipe," my Spark jumped at her saying my designation. "The Autobot I was traveling with, it was Sunstreaker. As far and I know, he's still alive."

           My world stopped. My brother. He's alive. After all these years. I knew he couldn't have been dead. But then the reality came crashing back down.

            "How long have all of you known he's been alive," I growled, seemingly getting angrier by the second.

            "Ember told me about him around four days ago. Optimus and Ratchet have known for three days."

        That set me off. I stood up quickly, sending my chair backwards. It landed somewhere behind me, but I really didn't care at the moment. They knew about Sunstreaker and didn't bother to tell me.

         Ember was sinking back in her chair, trying to get away from me. I took notice to it and tried to calm me down, but it really didn't work.

          "You all knew and no one bothered to tell me!" I seethed out, slamming my hands down on the table.

         Ember really jumped at this. And when I say jumped, I mean completely out of her chair. Macey went to grab her arm, but before she could, a fist was flying my way. It landed straight on my jaw, making me stumble backwards. In my blind anger, I wasn't able to stop it. Thank Primus I didn't, because I think I would've broke her hand if I had tried to stop her at the time.

          When I stood straight back up again, Embers eyes were wide, like she was ready to throw another punch. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly. Hands clenched and fist shaking. What the frag was that about.

          Seeing the complete and utter fear my dear Sparkmate was in, I calmed down. I wanted to embrace her, but before I could take a step forwards, Ironhide had her pushed behind his body. Obviously, she was much smaller than him, so I couldn't see her at all now.

         "Are you calmed down, kid?"

          "Yeah," I said. I could tell that Ironhide knew I was still shaken up by both the new news and how Ember acted. How I caused it.

        "It's just, ugh," I groaned. "My brother is alive and no one bothered to tell me." My voice cracked. I ran my fake human hands through my hair, messing it up.

         I turned to the corner of the room, trying to get all my thoughts in line when brown hair pushed its way into my vision. It was Ember, standing right in front of me. She still looked a bit shaken up, but better.

          She grabbed my forearm lightly, pulling it down from my hair. She looked at me and spoke with so much sincerity, "we're going to get Sunstreaker back, Sideswipe. Optimus and Ironhide have already created a plan. And don't worry, I want him back, too."

           Without even resisting, she allowed me to pull her into an embrace. Unlike last time, she wasn't stiff and uncomfortable. My body relaxed against her and hers against mine. It felt just so right.

i didn't edit this or reread at all so i hope there isn't anything i'll be embarrassed about tomorrow when i edit.
how's everyone day going?

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