: 11. sideswipe :

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The moment that I first saw her, I knew my world was forever changed. I always heard Ironhide talk about the mark that Macey wore on her back, but I didn't really believe him.

       That was, until now.

        I saw it myself. On that new girl, Ember. During the Battle of Egypt, she was found just lying on the ground. Everyone else thought that she was dead, and she really did look like it. Something inside of me forced for me walk over to her to see if she was alive. That was when I saw it. Her shirt had slightly ridden up on her back, exposing her scarred and sickly skinny back. From far away, I thought that the mark was just a tattoo, but it turned out to be much more than that.

        An Autobot mark. It was faded, looking more like a brown color than the black that I've heard Ironhide describe. I started freaking out when I saw it. I called over to Ratchet, who was very annoyed at the time, probably preoccupied. When I told him what I saw, he immediately rushed over to check for a pulse, which was there. Praise Primus.

          Ratchet made sure she was stable before attempting to move her. When he did, she was placed in my hands and I carried her back to the ship, taking us back to the base.

         Lennox had told me that I couldn't be around her until she officially had woken up, not knowing if it would cause something drastic. After threatening me, I complied, but still bugged Ratchet constantly after he would check on her.

        When I heard she had awoken, it was like my systems went into overdrive. I was all fidgety, full of nerves and excitement, but it was ultimately all shut down. Ratchet, Macey and Ironhide all had told me that I couldn't go in there to see her. I ended up listening to them, but stood right outside of the door, waiting to see if I would be allowed to see her. I wasn't at all that day.

Ratchet refused to tell me anything on her status after she had woken up. There were guards stationed outside of her door all day and night, keeping me from seeing her. Macey had to constantly tell me it was so she didn't freak out or anything.

I just couldn't wait for the day to come where I could actually see her again.


"Hey, 'Hide can I talk to you for a quick sec'?" I asked my old comrade. He was working on new weapons, like always.

"What do you want, kid?" I rolled my optics at the childish name. He called everyone who was younger than him a kid.

"Can you give me advice, you know, with the whole situation with that girl." He laughed. I started getting increasingly anxious in this situation. I couldn't tell if it was a mocking laugh or not. I decided to continue. "I. . .I just don't want to mess this up, y'know? I already lost Sunstreaker and if I can have a future with her, I don't was to lose that, too."

"Kid, I don't think you could mess this up much more than I did with Macey over there." I nodded. I had both heard and lived through their tragic story of losing each other, only to come back stronger.

"Then, how can I tell her what I am, what the whole team is, without scaring her away?"

He sighed, putting down his tech, "if anything that Stubbs has told me is true, you got one hella hard-ass femme through those doors. Macey thinks she's been through some really hard times. I don't think you could 'mess up' her world much more than it probably already is, kid. Just keep that in mind." I nodded again. I just looked down to the ground, running my wheel back and forth, not knowing what to say. "Just remember, she's destined to be your Sparkmate. Nothing is going to tear that apart."

"You know, I wonder if Sunny were here, what he would say about her. I wonder if he'd like her or not. Do you think he could be able to see the mark too?"

"I don't know, kid. Just don't scare her away. Now, get outta here. I have work to do."

           Without saying anything else, I walked away from his work station, seeing Ratchet across the hanger, speaking to Optimus. They seemed to be having a slightly heated conversation, so naturally, I tried to listen in. Standing a few yards back, hidden behind equipment, I listened.

            "Macey says that the femme should be fine coming out tomorrow to meet everyone, but I don't think she remembers scrap, Optimus. I don't think it's a good choice to overwhelm her by introducing her to the other side of us."

             I got all excited inside. I would be able to see her. Talk to her. Stand in code proximity to her while she's  actually conscious.

            "I trust the judgement with Miss. Exner always. I will just have to run this by Commander Lennox before anything is finalized." Accidentally, hearing his words, I jumped up as hit my helm on all the equipment. Which in turn made everything fall on top of me. It made a very loud noise and noticeable sight. Human and Cybertronian alike had their optics on me now.

            "Sorry?" I said, it ended up sounding like more of a question than a statement.

            I heard Ratchet groan. "How much of a sparkling are you? Do you really think Prime and I didn't see you?" I let out a coy smile while all of the metal around me settled into place. "I hope you know that you're cleaning all this up." I nodded.


            When I ended up meeting her, I was over the moons. I was so excited that I accidentally pulled her into my embrace, which I think startled her. Not my plan.

           After meeting her, I ended up watching her for the rest of the day, from afar, of course. I didn't want to be that creepy.

           Her name rolled its way through my mind the entire day. Ember. What a beautiful name for a beautiful femme. I think I'm in love already. I just want her to feel the same way about me, but I didn't want to force it.

           Ironhide and Macey's relationship came naturally for them. Macey didn't know about what Ironhide was when she had fallen in love with him. Ember didn't need to know about me either.

i probably should have done this as chapter ten but oh well. it is what it is. this is going to be edited later so sorry if there were any mistakes.
i go back to school tomorrow, so three updates in three days probably isn't going to happen again, sadly. i'm glad to go back to school. this summer has been so shitty with wedding family drama and barn drama. barn drama that didn't even need to god damn take place and it's not over yet.
that's why i left for like weeks at a time, and i apologize for that. i love each and everyone of you who have supported this story. thank you.

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