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I had to roll my eyes at the furious look of the office lady. Her arm shot out, flinging water droplets at my face. I wiped them away while walking in the direction of the principal's office.

Opal hesitantly followed behind me, remembering that she refused for me to go down alone. I had been alone when I had decided to do what I did, but Opal came around the corner with Yoongi and immediately ran to my aid.

I walked into the office with a big smile on my face, as the principal tried not to smile from my happiness. He covered it up with a cough and motioned for me to sit down.

"What brings me here today?", I innocently ask, looking at Opal who flashed me a warning look.

"Water bucket above the door trick, clever," he nods his head, looking at the large stack of papers on his desk. He rubs his hands down his face, looking up at me pleadingly. "I'm not gonna punish you, just don't mess anything else up."

I faked a guilty look while turning away. "Yeah, about that..."

"What else?", he blurts out, looking scared of what else I had done. As if on cue, a scream was heard. "That wasn't..."

My assistant principal came running in, her eyes darting between me and Opal. She shot me a death glare while letting out a huff. "It was her."

"What's wrong?", the principal dared himself to ask since he cringed when she started to speak again.

"I don't have a door on my office!"

I stifled a laugh and frowned deeply instead. It was very difficult, especially watching Opal try to keep in a giggle.

"No door," he repeats, dismissing her from his office. "I'll talk to you later."

"Sir, if you must know where her door is, just check your closet," I point to the door to my right, his eyes flicker between my face and the door. "I wouldn't lie about that."

He pushed himself up, harshly opening his closet door, only to be met by another door. He poked it, watching as it swayed backward. "Of course."

"She's always slamming doors, so I took hers," I shrugged, holding my hands up in surrender. "That's all I did."

"Now that I find hard to believe," he says, sitting back down behind his desk. "What else is there?"

"Nothing," I lean my hands on the edge of his desk. "You can walk around the whole three-story school, check every room. I'll walk with you."

"Let's do that," he agrees, catching me by surprise. He stands up, allowing me to leave the room first. "What floors would you have tampered with?"

"Only the first floor, I'm too lazy to take the stairs for such a prank," I honestly reply, Opal, nodding to help me. "I barely liked to walk up my stairs at home."

"Fair enough," he believes me, walking past the assistant principal's office quickly. "Specific rooms?"

"My class schedule," I smirk, elbowing Opal.

"Science, English, Art, Physical Education," he trails off, signaling for me to continue.

"Mathematics, that computer crap, and free period," I finish for him, watching as he nods, taking it in. "I don't know what to do with computers or with free period."

"That leaves me with Science, English, Art, PE, and Mathematics," he rattles off, heading in the direction of the Science room. The bell rang above us, indicating that it was now forth period.

"Oh, I also don't know what to do in the Science Lab, and I like English class," I point out, while he quickly turns around.

"Art room," he states, walking in the direction of that class. He weaves between students, while I followed after him. Opal grabs my hand, not wanting to lose me.

the courtyard [j.hs] ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ