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It was Tuesday, meaning that I had to go back to school again. First day back on my foot and my first trip with it will be to my beloved bathroom.

I fling my blankets off of myself and sit up on my bed. It was calling my name back, begging me to stay. "I need to see my friends."

Friends? I only talked to Opal at school.

What about those boys you saw this weekend?

Right, I won't be able to talk to them in school though. Josie will be on my back about it all the time. I won't hear the end of it, for the rest of the year. It was our senior year, so I shouldn't care too much about it.

I sigh, pushing myself off the bed, standing to my feet. I wobbled a bit, before gaining balance and continued to the bathroom.

I did the usual, wash my face, brush my teeth and hair, and got dressed. I slipped on my black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees and mid-thigh, throwing on a black tank top. I tied a black and red plaid flannel around my waist before turning back to my mirror.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail, high enough to slip it through the hole at the back of my baseball cap. I nodded in approval, grabbing my white sneakers I always wore.

I jumped down my stairs, the scent of coffee invading my sense of smell. My dad couldn't deal with me in the morning unless he had coffee. It was our routine.

"Morning!", I chirped, waving at my dad who was reading the paper. "Typical."

"Excuse me? I thoroughly enjoy reading the Garfield stories," he argued, smiling childishly at me. I loved our relationship, we could both act like ourselves around each other. "Apple again?"

I nodded happily, grabbing the apple that was on the counter. I took a big bite of it, smiling with my cheeks puffed out. I swallowed what was in my mouth, before talking.

"I should leave now, I'll be late," I said, walking over to my dad. He held out my skateboard, while I reached for it. "Why is it grey?"

"It's a gift," he told me, smiling widely. It was new and unused, and perfect. "Like it?"

"Thanks!", I kissed his cheek, before rolling it against the floor. "So smooth."

"Yes! I got the right one," he applauded himself, shooing me away. "Don't keep Opal waiting."

"Bye!", I yelled, riding out of the house.


I finished my apple, tossing it into the trash bin to my side as I rode by. I saw people flooding my pathway to Opal, so I stopped riding. I picked up my board before climbing onto a table, I walked over the people's food, smiling and ignoring the complaints I was getting.

I jumped from the table, finally getting past her large group of idiots. People need to sit down and talk nowadays. I sighed, dropping my board to the ground again.

I slowly rode to Opal, who was waving at me. "Hi, Jae."

"Hey," I jumped off once I got to her, looking at her book in her arms. "Another one?"

"Yep, it's so good," she gushed, bending her knees for emphasis.

"Did Yoongi ever see the drawing you did for him?", I ask, watching a blush rise on her cheeks. "He likes you too."

"What?," She blurts out, looking at me like I was crazy. "I don't like him."

"Do you know who I am?", I sarcastically ask, smirking at her. "I know when you like and dislike someone."

"Fine, don't say anything," she warns, pointing her index finger at me. "Yes, I did show him. He was impressed."

"It's pretty obvious, even the boys know and it's only been a couple days," I point out, watching her face transform into a horrified look. "You're stuff is amazing! Of course, he'd be impressed."

"Jae!", I heard my name being called from somewhere behind me. I spun around, looking at the tables of people before seeing a wide grin and energetic waving. Taehyung.

I gave a small wave back, sending an apologetic smile before abruptly turning back to Opal. "Josie saw that I'm sure."

Opal nodded, as I turned around, watching as Josie and her two minions stormed over to me. I stood still, bracing myself for her attack.

"Hey!", she snapped at me, while I hurt tilted my head slightly. "Who said you could talk to them?"

"All I did was wave back, it's polite," I answered her, eyeing the boys from the corner of my eye. They were watching. "Unlike you."

"Don't talk to them," she commands, while I threw my head back, a laugh escaping my lips.

"Like I take orders from you," I slowly nodded my head, hoping that she'll understand me. She doesn't take things easily.

"How do you know them?", she angrily asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, the school isn't that big, plus everyone literally kisses the ground they walk on, so it's not hard to know them," I pursed my lips together, trying to keep the sassy tone out of my voice.

"How do you know them?", she spoke slower, while I scoffed.

"You aren't my mom, so I don't see why you can question my life," I spat out, realizing my mistake. Josie's face brightened up, hearing my words.

"You might need one now since your real one left," She snickered, hitting the one soft spot in me. I tensed up, and stayed silent, staring directly at her. "Cat got your tongue?"


We all looked up, hearing a high pitched laugh. Josie laughed at Jaelyn, while Jaelyn just stood there.

"Why isn't she talking back?", Jimin asked, watching what they were doing.

"Gonna run away? Like her!", Josie said loudly, while Opal looked at Jaelyn. Jaelyn didn't respond, she didn't look like she was gonna do anything.

She slowly stepped backward, shaking her head quickly at Josie. "I-I-"

She couldn't answer back? What did Josie say?

I stood up, just as Jaelyn turned around and ran toward the school. Opal picked up her skateboard, giving Josie a disgusted look.

"That was low, even for you," she spat, before running off after Jaelyn.

"Hoseok, where are you going?", Taehyung asked while I climbed out from my seat.

"After them," I ran away, watching as Opal turned left instead of right in the hallway. I slipped up the stairs, hearing the running footsteps getting quieter. I ran down the hall, trying to catch them.

They ran into a room, as it got quiet. I slowly walked down the hallway, getting closer to the room they were in.

I heard whispers, as I slowly opened the door. "Hello?"

Opal and Jaelyn jumped at the sound of my voice, before turning away from me. They sat together in the dark, not saying anything.

"I'm going to class early," Jaelyn announced, getting up. She picked up her skateboard, walking to the door. She looked up at me as she walked out. "Bye."

Opal stayed in the room, brushing her knees off. "That idiot."

"Who?", I curiously asked, catching her attention.

"Josie," she looked angry, furious even. "She has to bring up the one subject."

"One subject?", I continue, hoping to get some kind of answer.

"Her mom," she said, gathering her things. She walked past me, heading down the hall.

That was slightly successful.

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