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"Yep, that's her," I mutter under my breath, looking down at my skateboard. The grey color looked close to my mom's eye color.

Out of anger, I scrunched up my face, kicking harshly at the wooden thing. It flipped over into the grass a few feet away from me.

"Jae," Opal said behind me, while I turned around to her. "She's gone."

"Like last time?", I bitterly laugh, looking off into the direction she left. My gaze turned into a panicked on. "I gotta go!"

Opal grabbed my arms before I could run off. "Where are you going?"

"My dad's," I answer, trying to push her hands away. "She's going to try and get my dad back!"

Opal loosened her grip in shock, and I took that chance to run. I bolted down the sidewalk, not bothering to look at the streets for cars. I didn't care.

My dad was not going to suck up to her.

I continued running, watching the short black fence come into view. I got to it, climbing over it within seconds. I couldn't run all the way to the front of the neighborhood.

I ran through houses, turning down my street. My legs burned from pushing myself, but I continued to go. I saw my house, a car in front of it. I couldn't be too late.

I ran faster, my heart accelerating quicker, as I finally made it to my front lawn. I ran up to the door, flinging it open.

"Dad!", I was out of breath but managed to get out one word. I collapsed to the floor, a thump is heard. My dad ran over to me, while I looked up to him. "Dad."

"What are you doing here?", he asked since I normally hung out with Opal until late.

"Why are you here so early?", he was supposed to be working late. I looked behind him, seeing my mom standing off in the corner of the room. "You lied to me."

"Honey, it's not like that," he tried to explain, but I pushed his hands off of me.

"I knew it was weird of you to work late on a Tuesday. You knew she was coming and wanted to talk," I put the pieces together. "You lied to me so that you could talk to her and I wouldn't know."

"I was doing it to benefit you!", he exclaimed while I start to scoot backward, away from him.

"Benefit how?", I stood up, placing my hand on the door. "She suddenly decides to come back after ten years, and you accept her! You shouldn't be so forgiving."

"Let us explain," my dad tries, but I was already out the door. I walked away from the house, quicker than I ever had. "Jae!"

"I'm staying at Opal's!", I yelled, turning my head slightly back. I started to jog since I couldn't push my body of jelly any further.

I got to the fence, holding onto it. I rested my head on my arms, leaning against the wiring for support. I heard footsteps crunching toward me.

"Jae," Opal spoke, while I stood there. I looked up, meeting her worried eyes. "Did she...?"

"Liars. They're both liars," I grumbled, forcing myself over the fence. "It's all her fault."

"What happened?", she asked while we walked back to her house.

"Today is Tuesday. My dad said he was working late, he lied. He was meeting with my mom and didn't tell me. She convinced him not to," I state, feeling my blood boiling. "She wants him back because she doesn't have anyone."

"The guys are worried about you," she changes the subject. "I told them not to worry."

"Tell them not to talk to us anymore," I whispered, hearing a gasp from Opal. "Josie is gonna ruin us if we don't."

"Who cares?!", she exclaims while I flinched away from her. "It's our senior year. This is the year we will always remember. We are stuck there for four and a half more months. I don't care if she wants to bring us down because at least we will go down together!"

"Fine. Josie can go find someone else to bother," I state, looking at her smiling. "What do we do?"

"We do whatever we want! We get in trouble, we do things we never thought we'd do. We took out tests already, we are practically there for fun," Opal starts to think more, while we got closer to her house. "We are gonna be friends with those guys, whether they like it or not. We are gonna be crazy, wild, just free!"

I laughed, watching as she crazily danced around me. "What are you doing?"

She didn't answer me, just started to run around. I shook my head, joining in with her. I held my hands out to my sides, pretending to be a plane.

Opal ran beside me, pretending to be a car. She 'beeped' at me, before stopping. I halted beside her, while she jumped onto my back. I stumbled forward, regaining my balance.


I started to run to her house, smiling widely as she laughed above me. She bounced, as we saw the seven boys waiting and talking to each other.

Opal let out a shriek of excitement, while I continued to run toward them. They turned to us, watching us get closer and closer.

I slowed my run, still passing them, and dropped Opal off by the car. I climbed on top of it, laying on the roof. Opal joined me, laughing breathlessly as we just laid there.

"What are you doing?"

I sat up, smiling down at the people staring at us. "Not caring."

Opal shoved me, while I tipped off the car, I went to grab her but I slid off. I was caught, however, feeling arms holding my body up from the ground.

Opal rolled over, laughing as she saw I wasn't up there anymore. She looked a little further, shutting her mouth to keep in her obnoxious laughs.

I was put down, while I walked into her garage. She watched me, while I dug through a drawer. I pulled out a water gun, before sprinting inside to fill it up.


"What happened when she ran away?", Yoongi asked me, while I stood up on the roof of the car.

"We stopped caring," I shrugged, smirking and crossing my arms. "Her dad lied to her, and she left. She stopped caring. Actually, we stopped caring together."

I heard the door open, while I stared at the boys. I felt a cold sensation hit the side of my shirt. I threw my hands up, turning towards a snickering Jae.

She waved the water gun at me, before tossing me the second one. She aimed at me, while I quickly jumped off the car.

I ran behind the wall of boys, peeking out as she crept closer. Jimin stepped away, revealing me. She sprayed more water at me, while it hit my chest.

I raised my gun, aiming it at her, she quickly reacted, running away from me. She ran behind the car, crouching while I went around the other side.

I dropped my aim, crawling over to her. "Plan?"

"Jump out and get them," she whispered, while we nodded together.

She went to one side, I went to the other. We jumped out, quickly spraying the guys with the water. We continued to spray until we ran out of water.

Their shocked faces were priceless.

"You're so gonna pay for that," Yoongi said, his eyes flicking to mine. I gulped, backing away slowly. He took off after me, while I screamed and ran away.

Jae started to laugh, crouching towards the ground. "Get her!"

"No fair!"

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