Chapter 1

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Fast steps bring Hyungwon closer and closer to the place where it should happen. The Mapo bridge, right over the Han river, know for a high suicide rate. And that's what he is going to do.

Ending his own life, after just 22 years.

He has had enough. As if University wasn't already stressing him enough, his landlord died and passed on the flats to his son, who made the rent a lot more expensive, so that the boy could not afford to pay for it anymore and on top of all this his girlfriend had to break up with him, just to run away with one of these lumberjacks she met in the bar.

They have been a couple for over 4 years now and Hyungwon actually planned to propose after he finished this semester.

He hated it. He hated everything that was going on right now. His parent wouldn't support him in any way, so trying to reach out for them was impossible. They wouldn't even mind if he was just gone.

He took a few steps closer to the railing of the bridge and looked around. No one could be seen, but that was probably caused by the snowstorm. No one wants to go out at this weather. He shook his head a few times and started climbing onto the railing, where he took a few deep breathes. Thinking and letting the last days pass his inner eye.

Should I take my shoes off? Hyungwon thought for a few moments and started climbing down the railing to take them off. Carefully he placed them on the edge of sidewalk, so no one would accidently stumble over them

He climbed back onto the railing and waited a few moments in silence. The snow absorbed every sound, so he wasn't sure if anyone would cross this bridge and see him. But even if someone does, would it matter?

He took a few deep breathes and stood back up. Before he could jump, another thought crossed his mind. What about his jacket? Should he leave it on or put it away?

If he puts it off he might not sink so fast into the water, but if he leaves it on his impact would be cushioned. What a complicated situation.

The boy decides to leave his jacket on and starts his third attempt to jump. Again, moments of silence and quiet steps from far away. Someone is coming.

Slowly he is getting anxious over the situation.

Should he jump before the person sees him? Or should he wait until he has passed? His long thinking leads him to another idea. Should he leave a message? Just in case anyone finds him and needs to identify who he is?

He starts searching his pocket but beside an old candy wrapper he finds nothing in his bag. Not even his ID card.

The steps he heard earlier come closer and he sees a boy walking with fast steps, in the direction of the freezing boy. Maybe he could ask him, is what Hyungwon asks himself. He takes a few deep breathes and waits until theboy is close enough to hear him, until Hyungwon approaches him. 

"E-Excuse me." Hyungwon asks with a sore voice, but the stranger does not seem to hear him. "Excuse me?" he asks again, this time louder than before. As the stranger does not respond again, Hyungwon slowly taps him on the shoulder.

"Ah you startled me." he says and holds his breath for a few seconds. "Do you need something?"

"Ah uhm yes." Hyungwon responds after he awakes from his thoughts, about how good looking the boy is. "D-Do you have paper and a pen? I need to write something down."

"Paper and a pen? I will look, wait a second." The stranger starts rummaging in his pockets. A few moments later he hands the boy an old pen and some paper.

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