Chapter Ten: Realisation

Start from the beginning

His mind buzzed sporadically as he listening to the dull tones of his phone ringing while waiting for Pj to pick up.

He sighed internally. For once his life had been going okay. Sure he still got bullied by kyle and the others, sure his parents still forced him to go to therapy twice a week, and sure there were still some things he hadn't told Dan yet.

But this pit of anxiety he'd been thrown into was going to make his life chaotic again if he didn't put a stop to it.

Distracted still by his thoughts, Phil practically jumped out of his skin when he heard the chirpy 'hello' from the other end of the line.

'Peej!' Phil all but yelled 'I need help!'
'Okay first of all, ouch my eardrums, second of all what's up?'
'I'm feeling anxious, like really anxious'

Phil felt himself going red in the face for some bizarre reason.
'Uhh meeting up with Dan today, I don't know what's overcome me I see him all the time'

'Okay, well there's one of three things that could be going on here...'
'And they are?'
'We'll get to that' Pj dismissed 'to start off with I want you to tell me what you did the last time you saw Dan'

This was a little awkward. Phil had only spoken about Dan to Pj once or twice. Now he was supposed to go in-depth about their friendship.

'Well we got ice cream' Phil started off, totally not seeing how this was going to help. 'Then we went and sat on this wall in the square and just talked'

'What did you talk about?' Pj asked, intending on inquiring anything he had to, as if he had been completely overcome by Sherlock homes.

'I don't know, dogs, movies, crushes, friend stuff I guess'
'Crushes?' Pj said, taking interest, as if a puzzle he was doing in his head had just been given an additional piece.

'Yeah... why?'
Phil was highly confused now.
'You mean tell you who I told Dan I had a crush on?'
'Yes. And then what Dan said back'

'You're very forward aren't you? And a bit nosy if you don't mind me...'
'Look I'm happy to help here but I got a pizza coming soon and I can tell you that pizza has too priority over you'
'Charming, so anyway I told Dan...'

Phil heard a doorbell sound coming from Pj's end of the phone.
'Well looks like your time...'
'No!' Phil shrieked 'Stay, get your pizza and come back'

Pj huffed.
'Fine wait there'
Phil heard footsteps, and what he thought to be Pj mumbling about Phil ruining his pizza moment.

Pj's voice was muffled where he'd obviously stuffed his mouth with pizza.
'Okay so basically I told Dan I had a crush on Micheal Cera, you know the actor, and he told me...'
'How did he respond to you saying that?'
'Well he told me that...'
'No I mean, did he hesitate, blush, anything weird?'

'Well I guess you could say he hesitated but I don't see what that has to do with anything'
'Trust me it has everything to do with everything'

'Err Okay... well then Dan told me he had a crush on Evan Peters'
'Right. And how do you feel about that?'

Christ. This was turning out to be like a marriage counselling session

'I don't know, I don't really care, it's not like he's gonna get with Evan Peters anytime soon is he?'
'No, probably not but if he did?'
'How would you feel?'

'Well he probably wouldn't be friends with me anymore if he started dating a celebrity so I guess I'd feel...'
'Yea... I, no! Jealous of what?'

'Listen, Phil, I figured this out quite a way back in the conversation but you my friend...'
Pj paused and Phil waited impatiently for his diagnosis.

'You wove dam'
'I, what?'
Phil really couldn't understand what he was saying with pizza in his mouth but it almost sounded like he'd said something...

'Pj don't talk with your mouth full'
Pj responded with a symphony of chewing noises before repeating what he'd said.

'I said you're in love with Dan'

Phil heard him crystal clear that time so there was no excuse. As much as he wanted to laugh and tell Pj that he most certainly wasn't in love with Dan, he didn't.

It seemed as though the final piece in his own personal puzzle had just slotted into place and made the wheels in his brain start turning rapidly. Not quite as fast as his heart was beating though.

His tongue felt as though it was glued in place, as did his entire jaw, he couldn't get a single word out.

Everything made sense to him now. The fondness he felt for Dan, slightly beyond the fondness he'd ever felt for anyone before. The way his heart leapt when he saw the boy. The way he looked into his eyes and felt as though he could see the whole world staring back at him.

It was then that Phil realised his mouth had been shut for some time.

'Uhh Peej, I'll call you back! Enjoy your pizza, love you okay byee'

Shit. Phil stopped to catch his breath. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Pj now, he'd kill for a pizza. He needed one after that. He could've summoned one if he'd really wanted but he wasn't feeling mean enough to deprive another person of pizza right now.

All he was feeling was in love. Oh, and a little nauseous.

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