XXXIII. Teething Troubles

Start from the beginning

Durley shrugged. "You Trilbys always find ways to create and dissolve a scandal. I am certain Amelia shall be able to think of the best way to keep my name as clean as can be. The Town Herald is at your disposal, my dear, as always." He turned to the two men standing close by. "Now, go, Vega, darling. You need not fret any further. I just solved everyone's bloody problem." When she did not move, Durley wryly added, "A carriage is waiting for you outside."

Although still furious, the woman stepped away from Durley. She stopped when her eyes landed on Alex. "What of her?" she asked aloud.

Durley looked over his shoulder at Alex. "If we want the Everards to leave us be, we must return her."

"But she witnessed—"

"She knows what she can do and cannot," Durley interrupted, tone filled with warning.

"And your former lover? The one Osegod took away, the colored woman."

Durley let out an amused laugh. "I see you have been paying attention to my personal matters."

"I happen to overhear many things, Marcus," Vega haughtily said, her dark eyes boring into Marcus. "And I also happen to know Nicholas Everard won her over."

Durley shrugged. "She has returned to the Everards."

"With your help, of course?"

Durley smiled. "It is the only way to keep my peace with the Everards. They now owe me, you see. Soon they shall have to pay me back however and whenever I need something."

Vega shook her head. "Still, I do not trust you, Marcus. You are keeping something that can harm us."

"Do not trust me, Vega. But do believe I am at your side. Have I not proven myself enough?" He made a grand motion with his arm, showing her the door. "And I am saving your arse today. Go home to your Aunt Amelia."

Vega shot Alex one last look before she turned and walked out the door.


"You killed him," Alex said very much later. "You killed Osegod."

"You are very welcome," said Durley, righting his gloves. He peered down at the carriage window. "We are nearly there."

"What game are ye playin', Durley?" she asked, face impassive. "In a span o' a few hours I witnessed ye lie to everyone in that room. Ye lied te Osegod 'bout me, ye lied te that Vega woman 'bout Sophia. She's right, ye know. Ye can't be trusted."

Durley was quiet for a very long time. When he spoke, his voice was bare of emotion. "My loyalty, bandit, lies merely on family. They are dead." His eyes were almost as dead as Osegod's when they met hers. Alex had an impulse to know everything about this man. Why was he doing all these? "Sophia is the only living one I have but despite that, her identity ought to remain as it is. I can only claim her family in private." He crossed his legs as he gazed at her. "You are amongst the lucky few to know of our relationship and I wish that you keep the secret forever. Otherwise, you know what I am capable of, yes?"

Alex's jaw tightened.

"Yer plannin' somethin' against them Trilbys. I don't care, really. But if yer plannin' somethin' against the Everards—"

"Answer one thing, bandit," Durley interjected. "Where is my sister?"

"With Nicholas."

"And Nicholas is an Everard, yes?"


"Whoever my sister is with shall remain safe until they hurt her," he said with certainty, voice almost deadly.

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