Tell Him

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Jeffrey, Claire, and I split up with everyone, go into the SUV, and take off. It was quiet and awkward so I had to say something

Me: What a dick

Jeffrey: Sam; if you say I shouldn't have punched him...

Me: Oh no he deserved it. I was actually going to do it but Muhammad Ali here did it for me

Jeffrey and Claire laugh

Claire: Sure you were Sam

I look at Jeffrey whose looking down at his hand. It was bruised

Me: How's the hand Muhammad?

He lets out a smile

Jeffrey: It stings but I'll be alright. I'm a trooper like you

I let out a laugh. He grabs my hand

Jeffrey: Sam no matter what people say about you

Me: I don't give a shit what they say and you shouldn't either

He smiles while kissing my hand. Claire smiles big. I didn't seem to care because I was thinking of all the crazy shit that had happened. We end up at Claire's house. Her and Jeffrey hug each other

Claire: Goodnight Jeffrey. Hope your hand gets better

Jeffrey: Thanks Claire Bear

Claire: Ooo cute name for me

I roll my eyes while laughing

Jeffrey: Glad you like it

They laugh as Claire gets out. I go out as well and walk her to the door

Me: Alright I need some info sis

Claire: Go on

Me: What was Evan Peters deal?

Claire: All I know is that you had a meeting with him one day then suddenly he quit being an actor and became a journalist and ever since then he's been trying to ruin your life by telling lies

Me: But he didn't at the auction

Claire: Which is why YOU need to tell JEFFREY tonight

I whine

Me: Too much drama for one night

Claire: Sam

I growl

Me: Fine but don't be surprised if he ends up sleeping over at your place

She playfully hits me

Claire: Shut up

We laugh as we reach the door. We hug each other

Claire: Everything's going to be okay Sam. If you need anything just call me alright?

Me: Of course

We stop hugging

Me: Have a good night sis and tell Tyler he missed out

She laughs

Claire: Oh I will. You have a good night yourself

She goes into her house. I go back to the SUV and head in. Jeffrey and I go home

Jeffrey: I feel so embarrassed

Me: Why?

Jeffrey: Because no one's ever seen me snap like that

Me: Why you think you're too good for everyone mister goody two shoes?

I lightly shove him. He smirks

Jeffrey: Is that what you think of me?

Me: Yup

I start to walk away. Jeffrey laughs

Me: What's so funny?

Jeffrey: Can you believe the nerve of Peters? Saying you work in the porn industry

He laughs more while going into the bathroom. I remember what Claire told me


Jeffrey: He'll just say anything now

I take a deep breath

Me: Jeffrey I have to tell you something

I hear the sink turn on

Jeffrey: What did you say?!

I go over to the bathroom and see him washing his hand. He dries it then grabs gripping tape from the cabinet

Me: I said I have to...

Jeffrey: Can you help me with this?

I get an annoyed look, go over, and help him tape his hand

Me: Jeffrey I really need to talk to you

*Knock knock knock*

We both look

Jeffrey: Who the hell can that be at this time?

He goes to the front door and answers it. I'm looking in the mirror taking deep breaths

You can do this Sam

Jeffrey: Just set that bad boy right there

The fuck?

I go into the living room and see a guy setting the vase down. Jeffrey has a big smile on the face as the guy leaves. He looks at me

Jeffrey: Look at this beauty Sam


He looks at me

Jeffrey: So what was it that you wanted to tell me?

I stare at him

Me: Nothing. I'm going to get ready for bed

Jeffrey: I'll be there in a bit

I start walking away

I just couldn't do it

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