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Hey hey guys

We look and it's Simon I mean Steven Ogg

Jeffrey: Hey Steven, come sit with us

He goes down the aisle

Steven: Excuse me. Pardon me

Claire *whispers*: Oh my god Sam it's Steven Ogg

Me *whispers*: I know right. I met him last week

She gives me a shocked look. He sits next to Jeffrey

Steven: There we go

He looks over and waves

Steven: Hey Sam. Looking beautiful as usual

Me: Thank you. You look snazzy as always

I look at Jeffrey whose glaring at me. I give him a smirk

Steven: Oh stop it. I just put on whatever I can find

Me: It suits you. This is my sister Claire

She shyly waves

Claire: H-Hi

Steven: Well hello Claire. I see where you get your looks from

She lets out a giggle. Jeffrey starts talking to him

Me *whispers*: Want to know something funny?

Claire *whispers*: What?

Me *whispers*: Jeffrey thinks I have the hots for him

She gives me a weird look then starts laughing. I laugh with her

Jeffrey *whispers*: I can hear you two

Me *whispers*: Stop listening to our conversation

Announcer: Alright everyone if you will all please be seated so we can start the bidding

Everyone starts clapping and cheering

Me: Alright Claire whatever you like just tell me and I'll try to get it for you

Claire: Gotcha

Announcer: Alright our first item is this beautiful Japanese vase

Claire: Oooo

Jeffrey: I want that

Claire: You can have it then

Jeffrey: Really?

She laughs

Claire: Yes Jeffrey

He lifts his number up

Me: Are you sure? I can win for you

I smirk at Jeffrey while he glares

Steven: I think she's challenging you

Claire: No no it's fine

Jeffrey, Steven, and I: Aww

Steven: I'll challenge you Jeffrey

He raises his number up. Jeffrey glares at him

Jeffrey: That vase is mine

Steven: I don't know about that. It would really look cool in my living room

Announcer: Do I have five hundred?

Jeffrey raises his number

Me: Jesus a vase for that much money?

Jeffrey: Good thing we have such thing huh?

He shoulder bumps me

Oh whatever Jeffrey trying to show off

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