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Mom and Claire: What?!

My jaw drops

Tyler: Woah dude congrats!

Mom and Claire start talking loudly at the same time but I wasn't listening because I was in so much shock. I snap out of it when Jeffrey hugs me tightly

Jeffrey: Oh baby I'm so happy! No wonder you fainted that day! Oh my god Sam I can't believe this!

Mom starts clapping really fast

Mom: Finally! Oh thank you Jesus

Claire: Wow Sam I'm shocked

I look at her

Me: I'm shocked as well

Tyler: Damn and I thought Sam was too good for...

Claire elbows his shoulder

Tyler: Ow

Claire *whispers*: Stop it

Tyler: I didn't...

Claire *whispers*: Keep your comments to yourself please

He folds his arms and looks away. She tries to take it serious but laughs

Me: Excuse me

I get up and walk away from the table. I end up going outside into a patio, luckily no one was there. I start pacing back and forth while breathing heavily

Me: There's no way. There's no fucking way I'm pregnant. Fucking gypsy screwed me the fuck over with this shit

I hear the door behind me open. I look and see it's Claire. I start hyperventilating

Claire: Sam

She quickly grabs my hands

Me: I can't be pregnant Claire, I just can't

Claire: Take deep breaths Sam

I slowly do

Claire: Good now listen to me. Everything's going to be alright. I know this is very unexpected and crazy but I'm here for you. Tyler, Mom, and Jeffrey are all here for you okay?

Me: I'm scared

Claire: I know you are

She hugs me. Tears slide down my face

Claire: Now we're going to go back in there so just be happy

I nod

Me: Tears of joy?

Claire: Exactly

Me: And disappointment

Claire: No Sam. Please don't say that

Me: I'll try my best not to

We head back inside and guess who

Jeffrey: There you are Sam I thought you might of ran off or something

I wish

Me: Nope just had to take a breather from all the emotions

He wipes the tears off

Jeffrey: Aww sugar plum

I'm too angry to say anything about that name

He hugs me but I just stand there

Jeffrey: I love you Sam

I look and see Claire motioning me to hug back so I slowly do

Me: Love you to Jeffrey

Claire: Aww you two are too cute

Shut up Claire

Jeffrey let's out a laugh. I feel his grip tighten

Jeffrey: We're going to be great parents

Yeah right

Me: Yeah we are

He stops and grabs my hand

Jeffrey: Well let's not keep your mom and Tyler waiting

Claire: Don't want to get them worried. Mom might call the cops

Claire and Jeffrey laugh but I just smile. We head back to the table. Once mom sees me, she gets up and kisses my cheeks. I just stand there annoyed

Mom: Oh my baby is all grown up and finally going to give me grandbabies

Ugh mom stop

Mom: What if it's twins?

God no

Jeffrey smiles big

Tyler: Or triplets?

Shut it man

Claire: Woah now don't get your hopes up. Besides, give Sam some air. She went through a lot to give us this news so relax

Best sister ever

I smile at her

Me: Thanks Claire. Can we please sit and take a breather? Too much excitement for me to handle

They all agree and we finally sit down. Jeffrey was sitting closer to me than before, still holding my hand

Me: Jeffrey you can let go of my hand now

Jeffrey: Oh sorry just excited

No kidding

He lets go but then puts his hand on my stomach and rubs it

Ugh I just want to pinch that big ass hand of his

Me: Jeffrey

Jeffrey: I'm sorry Sam I can't help it

He takes his hand away from me

Thank god

Later that night...

Jeffrey and I were heading home. He went back to rubbing my belly and kissing my hand. I just let him so he can leave me alone even though it's annoying me. Just hearing that damn kissing sound over and over again and hearing "mmm" "mmm" "muah" the driver probably thought we were going to have sex haha imagine that? Wait nevermind don't imagine that. Jeffrey finally stops and looks at the driver

Jeffrey: Sorry I'm just happy. Sam and I are having a baby

Driver: Really?! Congratulations to you both

Jeffrey: Thank you

Me: Thanks

I lean back and let out a deep breath. I see Jeffrey looking at me but I don't look at him. I see something catch my eye as we pass by the boardwalk. It was the tent and it was lit up. I look at the time on my phone. It was midnight and the month had ended. I remembered seeing the sign on the tent saying that she'll be back in a month. Holy...shit

Me: Stop the car. Stop the car

The car stops

Jeffrey: Sam?

I open the door and hop out

Jeffrey: Sam where are you going?

He gets ready to take his seatbelt off but I lift a finger at him

Me: Stay!

He gives me a shocked look

Me: Stay in here. I'll be right back

I close the door then run off

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