Living with the Enemy

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Well that was "fun". Ugh what a fucking disaster this day was. Just want to take a nice hot bath to calm my nerves and go to bed. We head inside our gigantic house

Jeffery: What a great day. It's always fun to try new things. We need to do this more often than work I swear

Dream on

Me: Work is fun

He wraps his arms around me


Jeffrey: Spending time together is a lot more fun. Don't you think?

Me: "Totally"

He kisses my cheek

Me: Gross! You just threw up

Jeffrey: So?

I take his arms off me

Me: I'm going to take a bath

Jeffrey: That sounds relaxing, I'll join you

Me: No, no, no I would like some privacy

Jeffrey: Privacy?

Me: Yes I want to be alone and clear my head; okay?

Jeffrey: Sam you've been acting very strange ever since we left. What's wrong?

Ugh leave me alone that's what

Me: I'm fine just exhausted

He smirks

Jeffrey: I see what you're doing

I raise an eyebrow

Me: And what exactly am I doing?

He smiles big then points at me while walking into the kitchen

Jeffrey: I gotcha

I just stand there like an idiot

Me: Okay then

I go into my room. Yes I'm still saying my room because it is. I look through the dressers to find something comfy to wear

Me: Great all sexy outfits. Goddammit

I look in the bathroom and find a robe

Me: Thank god

I take it down then go over to the tub and my god it was ten times bigger than my actual tub. This is just too much. I start the tub. While waiting, I pour in bubble soap and light up some candles to help me relax

Me: This should help since I'm stuck here for a damn month

I turn the water off, undress, and hop in. Ah nice and hot just the way I...

Me: Oh my god!

I see Jeffrey standing there so I cover myself

Me: What the fuck?! I said...

Jeffrey: Oh I know what you said and I totally get the message

Me: What fucking message?!

Jeffrey: Don't play dumb you little tease

He sets down two glass cups and a bottle of champagne

Me: What are you doing?

Jeffrey: Nothing

He starts taking his clothes off so I quickly turn around

Me: I said I wanted privacy as in alone. Just me in here

I hear him get in

Me *whispering* fuck, fuck, fuck

He starts pouring the champagne into the cups while humming

Me: Really I just want to...

I can feel his close to me, feel his warm breath touching my ear

Jeffrey: Shhhh just relax

He puts the glass cup in front of me so I take it, only to get another kiss on the cheek

Jeffrey: I'm here to give you the full relaxation experience

Don't make me laugh

Jeffrey: Drink, close your eyes, and let me take good care of you

If it'll get him to leave

I chug my drink

Jeffrey: Easy Sam. Don't want to get too crazy now. Remember what happened a few nights ago?

He starts laughing

Me: You don't have to explain it. I know

He refills my cup then wraps his arms around me, getting closer

Ugh god I can feel things that I don't want to feel on me

He starts kissing the back of my neck

This is fucking disgusting

I see in the corner of my eyes of him putting his glass cup on the side of the tub. He then opens something from behind and rubs it on his hand. I didn't want to look back unless I want to throw up again from that sight again bleh. I feel his crummy hands on my shoulders as he starts massaging them. It was surprisingly smooth, relaxing, comforting even. Tingly? What the?

I look back to see the bottle and...KY gel? Oh fuck. I look up at him and see him smiling

Jeffrey: How's it feel?

Me: To be honest... Tingly

Jeffrey: That means it's working

Me: What are you...

Jeffrey: Sam. Close your eyes and take deep breaths

I let out a sigh then do what he says for who knows why. He begins massaging my back from top to bottom. He pulls me closer to him and starts massaging my neck. Oh god don't think about what's touching you right now. I was leaning against him, feeling his prickly hairy chest pinching my back. I don't why but I felt relaxed. Wait why am I letting him touch me?

Jeffrey: You're very tense

Maybe it's because you're stressing me out and I don't want you here in this damn tub with me. Hold on...I just realized we're naked in the tub together and I'm leaning against HIM. I quickly move away from him

Me: Well that was nice but I'm really tired and have to work tomorrow

I grab the towel, wrap it around myself, and get out of the tub

Jeffrey: Sam... Sam

Me: What?

Jeffrey: You don't work tomorrow

Me: Oh... Well I'll make myself work somehow

Jeffrey: How about you come and watch me in this new show I'm in? You're going to love it

Me: Sure why not

I leave the bathroom, taking the robe with me. I dry myself, put the robe on, and get in bed. I couldn't believe I actually let him massage and kiss me. What the hell is the matter with me? A couple of seconds later Jeffrey comes out and gets in bed with me

Can't get rid of him; can I?

I feel his arm wrap around me and more kisses to the cheek my "favorite"

Jeffrey: Goodnight my beautiful

Me: Please don't say Pocahontas

Jeffrey: Aww. Fine, Morticia

What are the fucking odds?

Me: Goodnight "Gomez"

He gives me the biggest kiss ever then finally lays down but pulls me closer to him, tightening his arm while putting his face on mines. Somehow with all that was going on, I managed to fall asleep. Hope tomorrow is better

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