The Gypsy Bitch

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As I running over to the tent, I think... What a fucking mess this whole month has been. All of this shit happened in one fucking month. I make it to the tent and enter. It was empty and that gypsy bitch was standing right there by the table. She sees me and gets excited

Gypsy: It's you! It's really you! Come, sit, and tell me everything!

I slowly walk over, acting casual as I sit across from her

Gypsy: I want to know everything!

She had this excited look on her face, waiting for me to start talking but I wasn't going to give her what she wanted

Me: I wanted to start with...WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!

Gypsy: What?

Me: I wanted to be better than Jeffrey Dean Morgan but instead I come here and I'm married to him?!

Gypsy: Well...

Me: I am not finished!

She gives me a shocked look

Me: I come here and... I'm a fucking self centered home wrecking pregnant PORNSTAR!

Gypsy: You are angry I understand but this is all on you

I stand up

Me: ON ME?!

She shields herself

Gypsy: Please don't hurt me

Me: How the fuck is this on me?!

Gypsy: You were greedy

Me: Oh I was greedy when you were the one saying "I can help you get what you want. I can make sure you're noticed, appreciated by everyone"

Gypsy: Exactly and you signed the paper. You became greedy and wanted everything without trying to do it yourself. You are selfish Sam Fox. Hating a man you don't even know. Shame on you. For that, this is your punishment

Me: So I'm being punished for this?! This is fucking bullshit! I want to go back to my world!

Gypsy: No! Not until you fix what you started!

Me: I don't know what the fuck you're talking about!

Gypsy: See? You don't see it? You think you can just go back and do what you do? No not this time. You are here for a reason and it's not just to be punished. You have a purpose here and until you figure it out, you're not going anywhere

Me: So I'm stuck here?!

Gypsy: Yup so go out there and fix this

I let out a growl as I stomp to the entrance

Gypsy: Oh and Sam

I look at her

Gypsy: When you mess with this storyline, another will be created. A bad one so try not to screw anything else up okay?

She smiles like if she wasn't listening to me this whole time so I glare at that bitch and say...

Me: Fuck you

I leave

That's right I showed her. Don't fuck with Sam Fox

I get back into the car

Jeffrey: What was that about?

Me: Just something I had to take care of. Don't worry about it

Mrs. MorganOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant