Chapter 39

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An eerie silence filled the room. Newt's eyes were wide with shock with what he just heard. (Y/N)'s eyes were flickering. As if she can't decide if she was going to be mad or not. Newt's mouth opened, but before he could say anything, someone was calling (Y/N) thought the walkie talkie.

"This is (Y/N)." She turned her back from Newt and faced the screen. There she saw Brenda standing right beside Jack. "Jack," she let out a sigh of relief. "You're alive. You're okay. When they told me that WICKED took you, I couldn't stop worrying."

"Stop worrying about me," she heard him chuckle deeply. "How about you? You feeling better?"

"Much," she replied.

There was a silence between them. Neither of them didn't know what to say. Conversations couldn't flow easily from them today. (Y/N) could only hear Jack's breathing. It was ragged.

"I missed you," Jack finally said.

(Y/N) felt herself blush. The heat creeping up from her neck and into her cheeks.

"Me too," she breathed out. "I-I couldn't live with myself if you died because of me."

It was then (Y/N) saw how much familiar the situations were. She knew that Jack felt something for her. Something more than just a simple friendship. She knew how much he would give just to keep her safe. Just like herself with Newt. He couldn't live with himself if he was the reason she died, which he is.

"Dying for you would be an honor."

"Can you guys break it up?" Minho's voice was now heard in the walkie talkie. "Jack's shucking ruining Newt's chances with (Y/N) over here!"

Jack didn't say anything and just turned bright red. Brenda took the walkie talkie away from Jack and started walking towards Thomas.

(Y/N) put the walkie talkie back in her pocket. She was given some new clothes which are jeans and a t-shirt and she also stole a lab coat. She swallowed the lump in her throat and contemplated if she was going to face Newt or not. She didn't. Her eyes stayed glued to the screen. She was fighting the urge to look at him.

Thomas started to speak to the Immunes. That caught both (Y/N) and Newt's attention. Newt took cautious steps towards the computer. Within seconds, their faces were right beside each other. Their cheeks were just an inch away.

Seeing that Newt was close to her, (Y/N) once more felt the heat creeping from her neck. Her attention was no longer on the screen, but on Newt's hand. Which was just an inch away from hers.

(Y/N) sighed. "Newt-"

"Slim it," he snapped at her. His brown eyes not leaving the screen. "You can't bloody live with yourself if Jack dies because of you. Well that's how I feel! I heard what you said (Y/N)."

"You have no right to be mad at me Newt." Her eyes were getting glossy. She tried to get her voice not to break. She took a step back where Newt can't see her blinking away forming tears. "Everything I did, I did for you! To save you! Then i-if I am to die whilst doing that, then I feel as if my purpose in life is fulfilled." (Y/N) took a breath. "Dying for you would be an honor, Newt."

Newt faced her with an unreadable expression on his face. (Y/N) was waiting for him to say something or do something. But he just stared at her, contemplating what he was going to say to her.

It was then a loud crash shocked everyone. (Y/N) and Newt felt the earth moving. (Y/N) lost her balance and was about to fall if Newt didn't catch her. They both got down on the floor. Newt covered her body with his. His body became her shield.

"What the bloody hell is happening?"

Newt raised his voice because there was evident screaming coming from the entire building. There were also falling debris. (Y/N) had to close her eyes because the dust was getting in them.

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