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Both daughter and father looked at the marvelous view in front of them. They felt the soft breeze blow by them. The laughter of children and all the Immunes was heard everywhere. It was nice to hear so much happiness around them.

They walked side by side out of the forest until they caught sight of their loved ones. Mary and Jack were playing with a few kids. Thomas, Minho, and Newt were at the lake with their feet on the water. Brenda and Jorge were lying on their backs on the soft green grass. Taking in the peace of everything.

"How would you feel about having a brother or a sister?" Hans asked his daughter.

"I thought that you and Mary didn't want any kids."

"Well, we've had a new start here in Paradise. I think having a child will be good for all of us. That is if it's alright with you."

"Of course dad." (Y/N) hugged her dad. "I would love having a little sister or a little brother."

(Y/N) turned her head to the blue sky. She remembered seeing her old friends on the other side. Now, she could just see blue skies and white clouds. Her eyes then landed on Newt who was smiling. He seemed so happy that it brought a smile on (Y/N)'s face. Seeing him happy, made her happy.

"Go to him," Hans smiled.

"To who?" (Y/N) asked, even if she already knew who her father was talking about.

"To Newt. You've spent a week with your dad and I think you're beginning to forget your boyfriend," he chuckled. (Y/N) smiled at her father. "I also need some alone time with Mary if you do want that sibling."

(Y/N) shivered with the thought of what her father was thinking and he laughed out loud. A lot of people heard the laugh and looked at him. The Ivy Trio turned their heads and saw (Y/N) and Hans. They raised their hands and waved at them. They waved right back at them.

"It's alright with you?"

"Well I am telling you to go to him."

(Y/N) kissed her father's cheek. "Thanks dad and please hide yourself and Mary when you do it."

Hans laughed once more. "I'll try, if you and Newt do the same."

(Y/N) blushed. "Dad!"

(Y/N) then ran towards the lake while her father was dying with laughter. She could still feel the heat on her face and the smile on her lips.

The Ivy Trio turned around when they saw (Y/N)'s shadow coming towards them. (Y/N)'s eyes were locked on Newt's with a determined look on her face.

Ever since her mother's death just last week, she's been spending all that time with her father and Mary. She cried on his side and was comforted by him and his wife. But at times, Mary would leave the both of them to catch up. So she spent more time with her father than anyone else that past week.

"Can I borrow Newt for a while?" She asked when she reached them.

"Sure," both Thomas and Minho chorused.

Newt stood up and he towered (Y/N). He was really taller than her that he was blocking the sun from her face. She searched his face and saw happiness in those brown orbs of his.

"Can we talk?" She asked him.

Newt nodded. (Y/N) nervously took his hand and led him into another side of the lake which was out of earshot from Thomas and Minho. Newt covered her hand with his and smiled at (Y/N). She felt the blush on her neck creep up once more.

When they were far enough, Newt broke the silence.

"I'm sorry about your mother," he smiled sadly at her.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you the past week," she apologized.

"(Y/N) don't worry about it." He took both her hands on his. "You were grieving and you had your father with you. It's alright. I understand. I can't really repay you with how much you've risked your life to save me."

(Y/N) then smiled coyly. "All I want is for you to be happy and your love Newt."

"And what you want will be given to you. I'm happy when I'm with you and I love you. I really do."

(Y/N) blushed with the words that Newt just said. She pursed her lips. "I'm going to give you a proper kiss now."

"Good that."

Newt and (Y/N) leaned into each other. Their lips touched in a sweet kiss. (Y/N) then remembered everything they've gone through. Whenever they've gone through, they always find each other. They always find a way towards each other. Newt's soft lips felt right on hers. They were like puzzle pieces that only fit with each other.

Newt's hands went to (Y/N)'s waist, pulling her closer and closer to him. Her hands were on Newt's soft hair. She was pulling and tugging, wanting to get closer to Newt.

Newt then pulled away since he was breathless. "I've got something for you."

Newt fumbled with something in his pocket. (Y/N) smiled and laughed when she saw the dagger that Newt gave her when she was headed to that Crank's party and when she and the others were fighting those lightbulb monsters. But there was something different with the dagger now. On the hilt, it was engraved there, both Newt and (Y/N)'s names.

"Where did you get this?" She asked as she inspected the hilt with a huge smile on her face. "I thought this was lost forever, along with your jacket."

"The jacket might be gone, but this dagger is bloody special."

"How?" (Y/N) titled her head which Newt found really adorable. She placed the dagger inside its sheath and inside her pocket.

Both their foreheads were touching each other's. Newt's hand was around (Y/N)'s waist again while her hands were around Newt's neck.

"It has a special meaning to me. Because it finds its way to you and back to me. So, you save me, I save you. Is that clear?"

(Y/N) pecked Newt's lips. "Crystal."

"Good that."

A/N: Look around, look around. How lucky you are to be alive right now.

I just had to add that here haha.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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