Chapter 37

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(Y/N) was broken from her sleep when she heard gunshots. She was still half awake but she was curious on what was happening.

Was it finally Newt and the others here to rescue her?

(Y/N) remembered when her mom took pints of blood from her and did unspeakable things to her. Things that she never wanted to remember once more. She found out that they were all just her very first Trials. Anger filled her body at the thought. Here she was just like as she was before.

The door was opened and the first thing she saw was Newt. She wondered at first if she was dreaming. She saw that Brenda, Thomas, Minho, and Jorge were all behind him. Newt ran inside the room and connected his lips with (Y/N)'s.

The sudden contact shocked (Y/N) and made a sound of surprise. She blinked a couple of times before she kissed Newt back. Newt kissed her with such passion and she knew what that meant. He's remembered them. He was able to remember his past.

She could've stayed that way for a long time if it wasn't for Minho's fake cough bringing them back to reality.

"Why do you guys always have to be so sweet?" Minho crossed his arms in annoyance.

"A-Am I dreaming?" She asked.

"No. You're wide awake (Y/N). I'm here. For real," Newt gently kissed her forehead.

"Alright. You two go with Brenda and find Jack," Jorge pointed at both Thomas and Minho. "I'll be the bodyguard while (Y/N) will be given some of the Crank's blood so that her strength will get back."

Brenda first injected the blood inside (Y/N) and she started to feel the burning sensation. (Y/N) took in deep breathes so that she won't scream. The blood was coming in fast and she could already feel herself getting better.

After that, Brenda, Thomas, and Minho, left to go and find Jack. They were all armed with Launchers. Jorge was outside her room doing his job as a bodyguard. While Newt stayed inside her room with her.

"Why did you stay in here?" (Y/N) asked Newt. He was sitting on a chair right beside her. His hand was also entangled with hers. When (Y/N) saw it, she started to blush.

"I wanted to stay with you," Newt said.

"How did you even get in here?"

"Believe it or not, we just barged in," Newt chuckled.

(Y/N) couldn't believe that they were both talking as if everything was right in the world. It was as if everything was normal. It was nice.

"So what's the plan?" (Y/N) asked when she saw that the pint of blood was just half empty.

"We will help you escape and seek refuge with the Right Arm."

(Y/N)'s face fell. "No," she shook her head. "There's a place near here that WICKED created. I place for all the Immunes to start new and start fresh. It's called Paradise."

Newt looked at her and was silent for a while. "Do you think you can trust WICKED? They were the ones who made that place. I'm not sure. . .," he trailed off.

"Newt, do you trust me?"

"Yes," he said without any hesitation.

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