Shut up meg

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uglypeoplesaywh: My brother sucks😡

fedoraandglasses:Why ❓

uglypeoplesaywh: Because he refuses to let me use his bedroom to record songs in🙄

yelyahwilliams: well I mean why would he...

uglypeoplesaywh: Because i can boss him around cuz i'm older😎😎😎😎😎

yelyahwilliams: That doesn't mean you can bo-

brendontheman7: AHHHH GUYS GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!!!?!!?!😃😃😃😃

crybaby88: did u drop ur toothbrush in the toilet again or something

fedoraandglasses: 🚽

brendontheman7: no NOT THE TIME!!!!! I HAVE BIG NEWS!!

rayisneverwrong: Just Tell Us Dunderhead

brendontheman7: Okay ok!!! OUR SONG I WRITE SINS NOT TRAGEDIES IS 4# ON THE BUILD-BOARD TOP 100!!!!!!!!!!!

ryanr299: my dad said he heard it in the car! he said he hates it though at that i'm a disapp-


uglypeoplesaywh: Famous?? 👂😲

brendontheman7: YEAH IF YOu wanna say that I guess

ryanr299: wow this is crazy i'm so happy

rayisneverwrong: Yeah Ryan Try To Calm Down A Bit Would You

fedoraandglasses: 😂

uglypeoplesaywh: XD

ashley.halsey: Do you guys have a record label that you're signed to?

brendontheman7: Idk 🤷‍♀️ I just sing and have fun

ryanr299: no we don't

rayisneverwrong: You Guys Will Probably Need One Or Else People Will Steal Your Songs And Yeah So Yeah

brendontheman7: Oh well I guess we better get signed or something

ashley.halsey: You guys should send your songs to some record labels and if they like it they will sign you. Then you will have copyright over it so nobody can steal it. They will also put money into your band for music videos, money to make albums, ect.

brendontheman7: What was that i fell asleep

ryanr299: brendon you are such a butthead sometimes

uglypeoplesaywh: Ryan you have been texting a lot for one chapter wtf

fedoraandglasses: Did you just say one chapter☝️ 🤔

uglypeoplesaywh: Oh what no i didn't

frnkiero: Ok then

ryanr299: anyways i'll send some songs to a few record labels

brendontheman7: Ok thx because I wasn't gonna do it😂😂

ryanr299: yeah i knew you weren-

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