oh krusty krab oh krusty krab oh how i love you krusty krab

106 3 14

Next day

uglypeoplesaywh: Did U guys get in trouble? XD

yelyahwilliams: No, I didn't. idk, what about you Frank?

frnkiero: Oh I'm there baby. And I am not in trouble🤮

ashley.halsey: You both are lucky then.

frnkiero: Why?are you in trouble??😂

ashley.halsey: No, I just meant we are all lucky we didn't get in trouble.

crybaby88: What bout Brendon

ashley.halsey: I don't know, it's not like I have some sort of tracker on him. Ask Ryan or something.

uglypeoplesaywh: Ryan where is brendon urie

ryanr299: idk

uglypeoplesaywh: WTF?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?

rayisneverwrong: Gerard cAlm down Brendon Urie isProbably fine you ballSack

fedoraandglasses: Omg you swore!!!😮😯😲

rayisneverwrong: Shut it, nutsack

frnkiero: Wtf Raymond?

rayisneverwrong:Sorry That Was My Second Cousin Hillary She Stole My iPhone 7+

frnkiero: Oh ok

uglypeoplesaywh: Shes a bitch😑🗝👾

rayisneverwrong: She Lives In A Mental Hospital

uglypeoplesaywh: Ya I lived in one for 2 months a few years back.

yelyahwilliams: Oh

crybaby88: anyways Where do u guys think brendon is tho

ryanr299: he is probably in trouble with his strict parents for sneaking out because his plan to make them fall asleep with sleeping pills (that's also v dangerous) didn't work.

brendontheman7: Nah i'm not in trouble

uglypeoplesaywh: Ur plan actually worked?!?!?!?!?!!😍😍

brendontheman7: Yeah...a little too good......

ashley.halsey: What does that mean?

brendontheman7: Im in a sticky pickle......

fedoraandglasses: snare 🥁

yelyahwilliams: What did u do this time

brendontheman7: Nothing...

frnkiero: So ur plan worked or it didn't??? 🤨

brendontheman7: Well,,,,,it did,,,,,but like......my parents....they uhhhhh

crybaby88: spit it out already 😒

brendontheman7: My parents are dead

frnkiero: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!;!?;;


brendontheman7: No!! It wasn't me, I meant they both got in a car accident

ryanr299: oh i was thinking you put too much sleeping pills in their soup

fedoraandglasses: 🍲🍜🥣

brendontheman7: No it wasn't me technically....a diver cut them off in a intersection and my mom was driving and her reflexes were slow (because of how tired she was from the sleeping pills) and ya

fedoraandglasses: 🚗🚘🚙 😴💤😌

ashley.halsey: Don't you have to go to court then?

brendontheman7: Nah

uglypeoplesaywh: I thought you had to go if u were in the car thoo (i learned that from the tv show Cops)🤕

brendontheman7: I don't have to cuz I'm under the age of 18 AND i was involved in the accident😎😎

frnkiero: Aren't u hurt and crippled then??

brendontheman7: Nah I was sitting in the trunk  (the seats in the middle had my christmas presents in it and i didn't want to see them early) and when the car hit i didn't get hurt!😋😋

crybaby88: Oh ok congrats

brendontheman7: Thx

fedoraandglasses: Wait....So u just got away with murder?!?!?!?!?  😲🔪

brendontheman7: Well when u put it that way........

uglypeoplesaywh: MY LAST NAME IS WAY

crybaby88: ......ok?

rayisneverwrong: Hey That Is Odd Because There Is Some Weak Kid At Our School With Wimpy Glasses And Noodles As Arms Whoms Last Name Is Also Way

uglypeoplesaywh: Ironic🤔🤔.

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