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After Brendon looked away, Gerard looked at the rest of the table and saw a boy with blonde-ish brown-ish hair and glasses and a fedora, a girl with bright orange hair who was wearing a jean jacket that said "grow up" on the back, a girl with black hair that is tinted blue, and a few other people.

"So, is Patrick here?" Gerard asked, because he hadn't seen his amazing bff yet.

"Uh, yeah..." the girl with orange hair says. Gerard knows they all introduced each other in the chat but he forgot all the pictures and most of the names.

"Are you Yelyah?" Gerard asks her, and she laughs along with the girl sitting next to her

"It's Hayley." she says. Gerard rolls his eyes and thinks in his head "I dont fucking care"

"Okay where is Patrick?" Gerard asks because he wanted to discuss the game of tag they're gonna play in the hallway

"Did somebody say my name???" Patrick said. He was sitting on the other side of Frank but Gerard couldn't see him because he was out of his vision by .52 inches and .03 half inches

"OMG HI PATRICK!" Gerard screams

"HI!!" Patrick screams back, and they get up and hug each other as everybody in the lunchroom watches them

"Okay, Ryan, lets go. those dweebs are gonna ruin my reputation." Brendon says while getting up from the table

"oh okay" Ryan says, getting out from under the table where he sits because Brendon told him to

"Where are you goi-" Gerard says, but gets cut off by a loud bell ringing like EEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEROWOWOWEOWWOO

Gerard screams and puts his hands over his ears because his senseive ears were hurting from it. After 1.30 seconds, it stops.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?" Gerard screams again.

"You said a bad word!" Patrick says. Hayley watches the two dingbats and rolls her eyes

"That means classes are starting in 5 minutes." she says because the two dingbats couldn't figure it out

"OHHHH! In my old school they used to have a tiny kid come in every class and yodel while ringing a bell, but I guess that works too." Gerard says, and Hayley just walks away

*Gerard's Pov*

So Patrick said he has to go down to the office before his class to take his medicines so I walked down the hallway by myself. I look down at my schedule while walking and see my first class is in history

Wtf??!?!?? Why would I wanna learn about OLD PEOPLE?!🤢🤮🤮

I look down at my schedule and while I'm doing that, I feel a body smash into me as i'm walking and I fall to ground along with the other shit bag of a person.

I look up and see a girl with blonde curly hair and big breast-I meant and big hands!!

"Watch where you're going next time." I say and get up off the ground. The girl I crashed into is a hottie wearing a pink shirt and striped shorts.

"Watch where I'm going? You crashed into me!" She says, getting up on her own

"Um yeah but you could've, like, not made your body crash into mine." I say. She looks kinda mad 😡

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