Ironic aint it??

93 4 4

uglypeoplesaywh: Hey brendon

uglypeoplesaywh: Hey Brendon

uglypeoplesaywh; Bbbbrrreeeennndddoooonnn!!!!!

uglypeoplesaywh: BRENDON COME ONnb

uglypeoplesaywh: Brendon!!!

uglypeoplesaywh: BRENDON URIE LOOK RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!

uglypeoplesaywh: Oh brendon!!!

brendontheman7: WHAT?!?

uglypeoplesaywh: It's just that I  can't believe that I am friends with Brendon Urie 📌📌

frnkiero: Hey can u not spam the fuckin chat? thx

fedoraandglasses: 💭👋🙏

uglypeoplesaywh:  I wouldn't have had to spam it if brendon hadn't had ignored me🙄🎧🎧

rayisneverwrong: Or You Can Be Patient And Not Spam It Because You Have Severe Adhd And We All Have To Suffer

uglypeoplesaywh: I DONT HAVE ADHD!!!!'nnnnn

crybaby88: Lol nobody here does

brendontheman7: I do (@gigglebug86 does too!)

crybaby88: Oh ya i forgot about that. doesn't hayley too?

yelyahwilliams: No i'm just hyper sometimes lol

fedorandglasses: bam pow 💥

uglypeoplesaywh: Well while everybody is here wanna play a fun game?

ashley.halsey: No, not really, but sure I guess.

uglypeoplesaywh: oK so U just put a random username into the add person chat thing and then it will add them and we see who it is! Wanna play??

fedoraandglasses: ONG YASSS!!

brendontheman7: Gerald, you woke me up for THIS?!

uglypeoplesaywh: ITS GERARD!!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

brendontheman7: my bad i guess

fedoraandglasses: WAITn!!!! Before we play, what's the date of today?🤔😔

ryanr299: it's january 2nd

frnkiero: Why did u need to know

fedoraandglasses: Oh idk! I was just wondering🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

ryanr299: oh and also happy late birthday Hayley

yelyahwilliams: Oh thanks

uglypeoplesaywh: ITS YO BIRTHDAY??!👲🏻

yelyahwilliams: No, it was a few days ago. But I'm 17 now

brendontheman7: I'm still older😂

yelyahwilliams: ok

uglypeoplesaywh has added titanic.s83 to the group.


titanic.s83: What is this

uglypeoplesaywh: Hey!👋Welcome 🙏 to our group chat 💭. We welcome everybody 🙏 and love 💕 our members equally m.

Wrong Number (Group Chat Fic) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora