36|Disclosing the secrets.

Start from the beginning

"Fuck that contract", he almost gritted his teeth and passed a hard look to her.

"Just stop your bossy attitude", this time she pointed index finger to him. She didn't know why she was overreacting like a stubborn brat. May be beacuse she wanted to meet her family. Although they were assholes but still they were her family. She was used to their presence around and now things without them seemed empty. Weird but it's human nature.

"Fine. Go. I don't give damn. But remember don't come back to me with tears in your eyes. You hear me. Loser", he sounded angry but he hold back his anger and mumbled the LOSER part before making his way out of the house slamming the door behind harshly.

She just sighed when few tears were already pooling her orbs. She was convulsed both on herself and him at the moment and she was badly perplexed what to do but she wanted to go on one hand and on other she was scared of what bad might be waiting for her.


She let her shoulder cut hair open and adjusted her dress with one hand. That soft floral maxie that reached her ankles was simple yet elegant. She pushed her feet in white pumps and gave herself one last glance in the mirror before stepping out of the room. The lounge was deserted and Harris wasn't home yet. She felt bad for coming up with that contract thing in front of him so bluntly and she knew he would be the same old monster Harris once again. She heaved a silent sigh and left the house with heavy heart but a little part of it was joyous to see her family.

The big hotel made her mouth agape. A sudden dagger hit her heart. Her parents never treated her like a princess but Sanah was luckiest in this case. She felt jealous but she knew that feeling would be of no use. She shrugged her shoulders and went along the huge flood of people making way inside the ravishing piece of art standing on the earth.

Her head was down when she bumped into someone's back and barely took hold of herself before kissing the ground below.

"I'm sorry", whoever that person was turned around. A smile captured his lips.

"Laila", he beamed like a little kid and pulled the already shocked Laila in his embrace. Her eyes widened more when he hugged her. She wanted to protest but she felt her body going numb.

"Where were you for so long?" Sajid acted weird and Laila's mind froze.

"Uhh", she wanted to speak but her tongue got paralyzed.

"Leave that. Come the party has already started", he took her hand in his but she pulled away it. His face fell.

"I don't want Sanah to kill me this time", she tried to explain letting out a small uncomfortable laugh. Sajid nodded before leading the way and Laila followed him inside.

"Look the guest of honour is here", Sanah's tone was fucking sarcastic when she walked to Laila in her long graceful gown. They piece of fabric on her body was legit expensive.

She extended her hand and Laila shook it back taking hold of her shivering self.

"Happy birthday", even her voice was small and inaudible.

"Thanks alot sister", Sanah acted sweet. That fakeness was irking Laila but she was quiet.

"Mom dad look who's here", Sanah called their parents when Laila's heart thumped more loudly.
It weird but she was scared of meeting her parents.

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