in the next life | suicidal-karma

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AN: I made this while I had writers block so, it's probably sloppy and it may be short compared to others!


Broken. Empty. Alone.

Ever since Nagisa had left him, Karma had nothing. He had no happiness left in his world, all the color was drained from his life.

It hurt so bad.

It hurt to think about the past. It hurt to think about the memories they shared. It was all gone now.

Everything they had built up until now was in ruins, it was gone forever.

There was nothing left for him here anymore. There was nothing that would bring the light back into his world.

He wasn't surprised though. Karma always had a feeling that Nagisa would leave. After all, he deserved way better than him.

That didn't make the pain go away though.

Karma watched the water from the shower swirl down the drain. His face was covered in droplets of water, his clothes he hadn't bothered taking off were soaked.

He clutched the bottle of pills in his hand as he let out a small sigh.

Was he really doing this right now?

He just wanted all the hurting to be over. He wanted the pain in his heart, and in his mind, to just go away.

This was the only way he could free himself from all this sorrow.

Karma twists the top to the pill bottle off and tosses it to the side. It makes a clinking sound as it collides with the floor.

He pours the small tablets into his hands and tosses them into his mouth. He uses the water from the shower head to swallow the capsules.

His head starts to feel weary.

He takes some more pills.

Suddenly he's on the floor. He can feel the warm water on his body. It's nice.

Karma weakly smiles as he blinks a couple of times before his eyes flutter shut.

His breaths became slower, and his life slowly was taken away from him.

It was all over now. The pain wouldn't hurt him anymore. Nagisa wouldn't hurt him anymore.

Maybe, just maybe, in another life they would meet again.


oof. I almost cried writing this?? It's really short but idek. Something about Karma being sad just tugs at my heart.

I hope you all liked it!

until next time,

Karmagisa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now