smile | angst

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(AN: thoughts will be written in this font!)
I place one hand in my pocket, the other holding a box of strawberry milk. You become distant after a while of living my life style. The man I had just beaten up was on the ground coughing behind me. His cries of pain didn't phase me at all, not one bit. I was used to it though... used to feeling no remorse or sympathy. Left, right, left, right, my feet continued that pattern until I was out of the alley way.

A sigh escapes my lips as I continue down the semi busy sidewalk. Since I was close enough to Nagisa's apartment I decided to swing by. When I got up to his floor I knocked on the door. That's when I heard whispers, not from Nagisa though.

"Shut up you worthless child! If you make a noise I will punish you." It was a woman's voice, most likely his mother.

The door swung open revealing a woman with a smile on her face.

"Hello! May I help you?" She tilted her head innocently with a smile. Something was wrong with her... I had a feeling.

"I came to visit Nagisa, is he around?" I asked in the most polite voice I could yet it had a rather rude tint to it.

The woman's smile grew larger. "Oh dear, are you her boyfriend? Come in!" And with that she grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

"Boyfr---" I was cut off as she yelled for Nagisa. He immediately ran into the room smiling. It was not genuine though.

"Yes mother?" His voice was shaky for some reason. 'Is he scared?' I brushed off the thought.

"Oh... K-Karma Kun, hello." Nagisa stood silent waiting for a reply.

"Honey, you never said you had a boyfriend! Such a good little girl." Nagisa's mom spoke.

I confusingly looked at Nagisa only to be greeted by a rosy blush lying across his cheeks.

Something was definitely wrong here. Nagisa seemed frightened, scared, and overall terrified. 'Why does she keep calling him a girl?'

"He-He's not my boyfriend." Nagisa quietly whispered while playing with the end of his sleeve.

Nagisa's' moms eyes instantly turned crazy. "You're telling me my daughter doesn't have a boyfriend?" Her head twitched and she looked insane.

I had to step in.

"Haha, don't be silly Nagisa." I walk over to him and place an arm around his waist pulling his frail body closer to me. "Of course I'm your boyfriend."

His eyes widened and he became even more flushed. "Now ma'am, if you don't mind we're going to go study." I turned around and nudged Nagisa, telling him to go to his room.

I closed the door behind us and leaned against the wall. "Why did you say we were dating...?" Nagisa asked.

"Well your mom was obviously making you uncomfortable so I thought why not...." A smirk took over my face. "Don't act like you aren't grateful."

"T-Thanks I guess." Nagisa sat on the edge of his bed staring down at his feet. His light blue hair falling to the sides of his face.

"Why does she keep calling you a girl?" That was the only question eating away at my brain. Nagisa looked at me with a sad...? No. Broken look in his eyes.

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