dress | idol au

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AN// the video I linked is going to be what Karma sounds like singing in this story! I do not own it, credit to owner:)

"ITS HIM! ITS KARMA!" I heard a mixture of squeals and shouts coming from the large group of people inside the mall.

They were obviously surrounding somebody which I had no idea who. I decide to turn around and walk away. It was extremely loud and I was getting a really bad headache so I decide to go into the bathroom.

It was pretty quiet in here yet I could still hear faint screams. I wonder who that person was, someone famous?

After splashing my face with water a couple times I lean against the wall and let out a small sigh.

Suddenly the door swings open and I look up to see some red haired guy. He was panting and seemed to be tired.

"U-um... are you alright...?" I asked watching as he continued to breathe heavily. He made eye contact with me and smirked.

"I'm fine~" he said with a slight singing voice. For some reason I felt like I'd seen him before.

"Oi, why are you in the guys bathroom anyways?" When the words escaped his lips I pouted, replying with "because I am one."

"What a trap." He said back with a slight chuckle before leaning against the wall next to me.

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME A TRAP?! A TRAP?! ILL HAVE YOU KNOW IM VERY MANLY AND--" I was cut off when I felt a hand over my mouth. I stayed quiet as I heard a crowd of people run past the bathroom door, causing it to shake a little.

After the commotion stopped I looked up at the guy confused. Wait... could he be the one everyone was surrounding? Well he's definitely hot enough to be--- wait. WHAT AM I THINKING?!

"Say, is there a way to get out of this mall without using the front doors?" The guy asked, running his fingers through his hair.

"Are you famous?" I asked out of nowhere, covering my mouth after realizing what I had just said. He looked down at me and faintly smiled.

"I hate the word famous... but I guess." He shrugged his shoulders. So he's hiding from all of those people? Must be difficult living a life like his.

"What do you do?" I tried carrying on the conversation.

"I'm a singer."

"Like a pop star?"

"No, I'm a school idol."

"But you're a guy."

"Ay, what's your name anyways?" He asked obviously wanting to change the topic.

"Nagisa. You?"

"Karma. Karma Akabane~"

We sat in silence for about 10 minutes before a voice came through the speakers. "The mall is now closing. Please make your way to the exits. Repeat, the mall is now closing."

I watched as Karma slowly opened the bathroom door, scanning outside before exiting and holding it open for me.

"Thanks." I sighed as I slightly bowed in front of him. He rolled his eyes before releasing the door and walking to the front doors. He probably thinks I'm a fan or something.

"Nagi-Chan~ have you ever thought about singing?" Karma asked walking through the exit and taking a deep breath of fresh air.

"Not really. I can't sing." I replied shrugging slightly as I began to walk away from him. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"Let me give you a ride home~ my limo's over there!" He said pointing to a black limo parked next to the sidewalk. I looked at it in awe before denying.

Karmagisa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now