sticks & stones | injured-nagisa

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I was sitting up in a tree watching Nakamura, awaiting the signal to start the assassination. Intently I waited, a koro-sensei killing gun in one hand and a gun in the other. The tree branch I was extremely high, one wrong move and I'd be toast.

We had been plotting this assassination attempt for about a week now and we decided today was the perfect day to do it.

Suddenly Nakamura gave me the signal to go. When I saw Koro-Sensei below me, I jumped down.

Koro-Sensei instantly flashed away once he saw me coming down.
I felt a stinging sensation in my leg and suddenly my vision got blurry. From the small amount I could see my fellow 3-E students were hovering above me.

I heard small things like "Nagisa!" and "can you hear us?" After that, I blacked out.



"Nagisa!" I shouted running over to the group surrounding him. I pushed some people out of the way and leaned down next to him.

"Karma, move away we need to take him to the doctor." Karasuma's voice rang through the air. He tried to pull me away but I pushed him back.

"Don't fucking touch him!" I shouted causing some people to flinch and step back. I'd been walking around outside since I was skipping class today. From a few feet away I noticed Nagisa had gotten hurt.

"Please Karma. He needs help!" Kayano's pitchy voice reached my ears. Nagisa's head was tilted up on my lap.

"Shut up. Why would you make him do that?" I felt anger flow through my veins. "You all knew he would get hurt." I clenched my teeth.

"No! If we knew he would've gotten hurt we wouldn't have made him!" Kayano said attempting to make the situation better.

"HE COULD HAVE FUCKING DIED!" I yelled, picking him up bridal style. His lips were slightly parted and he looked rather pale, but he was still breathing.

I ran with him in my arms until I reached the hospital. He was extremely light so it wasn't that hard. When I walked through the door a nurse instantly approached me.

"What happened?" She asked with a concerned tone. I couldn't tell her the truth so I on the spot came up with something.

"He was climbing something and he fell." She looked at me confused. "He?" She asked looking at his face.

"Just help him!" I was now getting impatient. She nodded and called up some doctors who came in with a stretcher and put Nagisa on it.

About 1-2 hours later the same nurse came out calling my name. I stood up quickly and followed her, walking through the door she was holding open.

Nagisa was awake and and slightly sitting up. I smiled and walked over to his bed sitting on the edge of it.

"What happend?" He asked looking at the cast wrapped around his right leg. "You took a fall while attempting some sort of assassination. You were unconscious so I carried you here." I simply replied back shrugging.

Nagisa's cheeks went pink.

"T-thanks." He said turning his head to cover up his blush. I smirked scooting closer to him and making his head face me.

"You're cute when you blush~" I said teasingly causing his cheeks to grow darker.

Out of no where I kissed him. Why did I kiss him?

"Sorry." I said pulling away and looking at him. "You were just too cute."

He leaned forward and kissed me this time. After a small makeout session we pulled away from each other.

"Now please. Stop jumping out of trees~"

Karmagisa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now