Battle For The Masters

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Your POV:

"Come for me, and you better be quick about it, unless you enjoy the bitter taste of defeat!" Alois yells as I appear behind him.

"Long time, no see, Trancy."

He turns to me.

"What are you doing here? Why are you not fighting along side the butlers?" Hanna asks with a watchful glare.

"Why do demons insist on hating me so much?" I sigh as I take a seat on the ledge, beside where Alois in Ciel's body stood. "Can't I just spectate? This is a quarrel between the two of them, not me." I directed my attention in front of me. They were too far away to actually observe anything. I hum and wave my hand across the air.

"Zoom!" Something similar to a hologram screen appeared in front of us. The two stare in slight surprise of the new view.

"There, now we can watch up close." I place Derek on my lap as we watched the butlers enter the maze. They made it to the first box in no time.

"What have we here?" Claude opens the green box and pulls out the envelope.

"'Question: what is Alois Trancy's real name?'" Claude reads off.

"I believe I can recall the answer to that. His real name was Jim Macken." There was a buzzing sound, and Sebastian's body got ensnared in strong vines, which lifted him from the ground.

"Wrong answer. The garden is enchanted. It will repel those who don't belong. Glad to see it works well." Claude smirks as Sebastian struggles in the plant's hold.

"The answer, 'Jim Macken,' is wrong. His real name is Alois Trancy." A sound, similar to a door bell, rang. The hedges parted, allowing entry to the spider butler.

"Boo!" I yell loud enough for the two to hear. They direct their attention to the clock tower. Sebastian had an amused expression, while Claude glared.

"How so? I thought Jim was the name given to him by the former Trancy, who defiled him?"

"True," Claude turns his attention back to Sebastian. "While the old man might have been, Alois was still quite taken by his new name." He ran off to stamp off his question.

"So, that's how this game is played. It's true only if Alois Trancy thinks it is. That complicates matters."

Claude finishes stamping his book.

"I'll be on my way, then." He ran to the next question with his book in hand.

"You got this, Sebby!"

Sebastian struggles in the hold of the vines, only for them to wrap around his neck and thighs. Grell figured this was a wonderful photo opportunity, so she made her appearance.

"My, how lovely. Squeeze his flesh tighter, oh! What a perfect shot? A perfect pose of agony."

I chuckle at Grell's pervertedness, while Sebastian was less than amused.

"Hello there." Grell chuckles nervously. "Maybe just one more photograph."

Sebastian's eyes were mentally destroying Grell's soul...if she even has one.

'Do grim reapers have souls?'

"You're a grim fellow." Grell revs up her chainsaw and hacks through the constricting vines.

"Damn right I am."

"Ooo~ Sebby swore." I started laughing, which led Hanna and Alois to look at me like I was crazy.

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