Forty One

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I'd danced to over ten songs with Ivan before noticing that while everyone else in the room was gathered together to dance or simply listen to the music, Alexei sat alone playing. I knew he enjoyed playing his music but I'd seen him glancing in our direction quite a few times as if he could see us dancing. There had always been that faraway look in his eyes before he'd turned back to the keys below his fingers. Just like that, an idea sprung to my mind that I should have done long ago.

"Ivan could you play some music over the speakers for all of us." He looked befuddled before noticing my pointed look to Alexei. He nodded with a grin before creeping over to the speakers silently. I walked over to the piano and placed a hand on Alexei's shoulder. He jolted and I realized I'd disturbed whatever trance the music had placed him in.

"Sorry love," I said with a wince. He grinned as his fingers continued to play across the keys.

"Have I ever told you how much I adore your nickname for us darling?" I blushed red. I was honestly surprised he hadn't said something about it earlier.

"Aren't you getting tired?" I remembered that Ivan had jolted Alexei out of his sleep to make him play as a gift. I could see his sleepy eyes now. It was close to 11 in the night and Alexei was usually asleep by now.

Just as Alexei was about to answer, the "Blue Danube" began to play over the speakers. Alexei's fingers on the piano stilled. I glanced over at Ivan. He'd remembered that night when Alexei had first asked me what song I was humming. Ivan gave me a cheeky grin and I grinned back before returning my focus to Alexei. He seemed to have gathered enough from the music and my sudden appearance to know what was happening. His face twisted in discomfort and embarrassment.

"Darling I'm afraid I'm a horrible dancer. It requires eye-hand coordination and I don't really have the former." He was trying to play it off. I hated the sadness in his eyes that coated his expression like a second skin. What I would give to have prevented that night from ever happening.

But I couldn't. It was done and no one could do a thing about it. So instead I pulled him to his feet. Out of his love for me or simply because he was tired, he didn't resist.

"I'll be your eyes." My god it seemed like he wasn't the only one that was cheesy between the four of us. I drew him close. He easily dwarfed me with his incredible tall stature. He was after all the tallest of the boys. He let out a sigh of defeat before lifting me to place me on his feet.

"This way I can't step on your feet if I tried." I let out a soft laugh before leaning forward slightly to place my head on his chest. His hand came around my waist and he placed a single, cautious step forward.

"That's it." For the first time, I saw Alexei look nervous. His confidence had fizzled out completely as he took a step to the side and then back.

Almost painfully slowly, we began to waltz the simplest waltz there was. But step-by-step, his confidence grew. His joy made his entire face glow. As the song slowly came to an end, he suddenly lifted me up before slowly letting me slide down him until my face was just above his and his strong arms held me up.

"Only for you darling. Only for you." My forehead rested against his and he lifted his face to briefly brush our lips together. I caressed his curls with my hand before nudging his nose with mine. We were both grinning like dumbstruck fools as he placed me on the ground. I grinned as he set me down on my feet and both Mikhail and Ivan joined us.

"It's late. Let's get to bed," Ivan said as he put his camera back into his pocket. I realized he'd taken a picture of us. I definitely wanted to capture that in a drawing. Just as I was just about to follow Ivan, Alexei called out in his usual bantering voice.

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