Twenty Two

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It was hard to believe that after such a long night, I managed to drag myself to school the following morning. Troy and Violet met me at the tree and with one look at my weary face and slumped shoulders; Troy had pulled me into his arms. He still kept his arm around me, as if afraid I'd fall apart otherwise.

I wouldn't though. I trusted Mikhail to mend this problem. What scared me, however, was that if Ivan had given up on us so quickly, what promise did I have that he wouldn't do it again? How far would his protective instincts push him?

"Alexei's coming," whispered Violet in my ear before she took a reluctant Troy by the arm and led him away. I let out a breath and shut my locker door before turning to face him. He was about 2 feet in front of me, lost in the middle of the corridor, unsure as to where I was as his sightless eyes roved the entire corridor. With a sigh, I pulled myself off the locker and when to stand in front of him, taking his hand in mine. He twined our fingers and dragged me to the nearest isolated stairwell before pulling me against the wall under it and shielding my body from the rest of the school with his own. My breathing sounded ragged to my own ears as he leaned in close, too close, and for a brief second, I imagined his lips against mine. The thought alone was enough to send my heart into overdrive.

"I figured you'd want to keep this talk private," was all he whispered, his warm breath caressing my face making me shiver slightly. I saw the answering smirk appear on his face, as he no doubt felt me shiver against him. He then had the nerve to move just a bit closer, with just a hairs width space between our chests. What a flirt. In an effort to keep the space between us, so I wouldn't lose my mind right here and now and do something reckless, I put my hand up between us, against his chest. I felt his heart beat rapidly under my palm and without meaning to; I clutched his shirt in my hand. The muscles under my fist shifted under my touch and I let a small smile grace my lips before remembering the matter at hand.

"Is, is Ivan still being stubborn, " I asked, my own voice trembling in fear of the answer. I didn't even realize how much that answer meant to me until he finally said it, and I felt the air whoosh out of me in relief. 

"Mikhail got through to him," he said, a smile appearing on his face and an answering smile lit up my own as I slid to the ground in relief. For a second, I sensed Alexei's confusion before he realized I'd slid to the ground. He followed suit, sitting against the wall across from me so only the soles of our feet touched.

"Why is he so overprotective," I asked, not expecting an answer as I leaned my head back against the wall and looked up to the ceiling.

"That's something he'll tell you on his own. I have to warn you however that the story is not very pleasant," he said with a grimace and a flash of pain appeared in his eyes for a brief second before he stood up and extended an arm to me.

"Come on, we've already missed half the first class," he said and I reached out to take his arm. He pulled me up with a little more force than necessary and I collided hard into his chest. I craned my head upwards, once again reminded of how tall he was, to see those beautiful eyes twinkling with delight and mischief as they looked down in my direction.

"Well, darling no need to throw yourself at me. You're the only one I'll ever want," he said with equal parts amusement and flirtatiousness and I was immensely glad he couldn't see the blush that lighted my face before I shoved him away in mock anger and went to my first class. He followed quickly, his hand reaching out and clasping my wrist.

You're the only one I'll ever want.

Yet again, the relationship between us delved into something far more complex than simple friendship. I liked the thought.

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