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I sat under the oak tree outside of school wrapped in Troy's jacket as we waited for Violet to arrive and the school doors to open. When I'd come downstairs this morning, the boys were gone and they'd left a simple thank you note on the coffee table. I'd been slightly upset that they hadn't stayed but brushed it aside and began to get ready for school. However, even though my body went through the motion, I couldn't keep my mind of the three boys and the evening we'd spent together. Mikhail's beautiful eyes, Ivan's grace and Alexei's rich voice were all that went through my thoughts. At this rate, I wouldn't be able to pay attention in any of my classes today.

"Roe. Roe! Roe," I shook of my thoughts and realized I'd zoned out on Troy yet again and he was looking at me with a smile, his eyebrows raised. His eyes narrowed then before widening with some apparent realization. Had he read my thoughts? Was that why a mischievous smile was making its way across his face like he knew something?

Before he could open his mouth however, Violet appeared and gave me a one armed hug before kissing Troy lightly on the forehead. That must have temporarily removed all thoughts from his forehead as he blushed before kissing her in return. He didn't say a word as he wrapped an arm around both of us as we walked into school.

It wasn't until art class that I was finally been able to concentrate on what was happening around me. But of course, that was ruined when the door slammed open 10 minutes into the class and the trio that had been in my thoughts walked into the room. Mikhail's eyes found mine immediately and he smiled before making his way to the seat next to mine. Ivan and Alexei were about to follow him when an obnoxious boy from the front of our class decided to open his mouth.

"The blind boy takes art? You can barely walk on your own."

Mikhail stiffened next to me, his entire body going rigid but that didn't compare to the fury that appeared on Ivan's face. He took a menacing step forward and the boy cowered away in fear. I didn't blame him. In that moment, if Alexei hadn't put a hand on Ivan's shoulder, I could've sworn that Ivan would've killed that boy without hesitation. Instead, he took a deep breath in and shut his eyes. When he opened them again, his green eyes were back to normal but that rage was still simmering under the surface. One wrong move and I doubt even the entire class combined could've held Ivan back from tearing that boy to shreds.

"Boys please take your seats," the art teacher said and Ivan shot the boy one last glare before placing himself down on the seat beside me. Alexei followed him closely, but not before leaning down and whispering something near the boy's ear. The boy paled in anger, sinking lower into his seat as Alexei claimed the seat in front of me, a triumphant smile etched on his face.

"What did you say to him," I asked, leaning forward in my seat. Alexei turned around, a clever grin on his face.

"Nothing he didn't already know," he said before turning back around just as the teacher began to announce his plan for today's class. He wanted everyone to select a partner, who would be his or her muse for this project. They'd then have to capture their partner on paper in the most creative way possible. I felt a smile appearing on my face, identical to the one on Mikhail's.

"You like art," I asked him softly.

"Like it? It's all he ever does," said Alexei and Mikhail whacked him on the back of the head. I noticed Ivan's eyes carefully trained on our exchange, his brows furrowed. He then huffed out a breath, as if he'd finally realized something.

Four Broken Pieces ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz