Chapter 5- The Dream

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

Still I didn't answer. I don't know what to say. My fear is taking over my confidence and Im just frozen in place in silence.

"Why'd you come back?" He said.


"Answer Me!" Lucky said firmly.

"I......-" I got cut off.

"So you can tell us you're living a better life and you came to say your final goodbyes?" Lucky asked.

"No... I-" I got cut off again by Lucky.

"So then why?" He asked.

Then Travis came out of the Dance Studio and he saw Lucky and came over to us.

"What's with all commotion?" Travis asked.

Lucky pointed to me and then he saw me.

"So your back." Travis said in a angry tone.

"Why'd you come back!? To rub it in our faces and ditch us a 2nd time!?" Travis yelled.

I tried to stand my ground but the inside of me is tearing apart. I'm about to just start crying and run out door.

"No, I came to apologize." I said with the little strength I had left inside me.

"Really!? You think it's that easy?! We're not falling for that! Your probably just going to ditch us like you've already done." Travis yelled.

"Please... I want to make things right and apologize for what I've done. I know what I did now is wrong and hurted you guys but I wasn't thinking clearly. I promise to not ditch you guys again." I let my heart out.

"I'm done with this nonsense. You're just tricking us and trying to make us fall for that. Go back to the Philippines and with your friends because you ruined the friendship we had. Goodbye Andree." Travis said and went back.

"Lucky please forgive me." I cried.

"What's done is done. Our friendship is broken and you ruined it. Sorry Ac. Goodbye." Lucky said as he went back to class.

I walked outside and cried all the way back to my house and hid in my room. It wasn't the time yet and I blew it. I should have never ditched them and stayed. Now here I am crying, heartbroken, and depressed. What am I to do with my life now?

Back To Reality...

"Ac wake up!!" Ylona said.

I opened my eyes and we're still on the airplane. Oh thank god that was just a dream.

"Why were you crying?" Ylona asked.

I don't know what to say. I don't want to tell her the real reason why. It's too embarrassing to say and I don't want to think about that. That was a really bad nightmare.

"Ac.. Why?" Ylona asked again.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said as I wiped one of my tears going down my cheek.

"Ac you can trust me. I can help you if you tell me what's going on." Ylona tried persuading me.

"I don't want to talk about it now." I told her.

"Please. Ortherwise I'm going to have to tell your Mom because it seemed pretty serious." Ylona said.

"Okay fine I'll tell you. But when we are back at home because I'm not comfortable talking about it here." I said.

"Okay. I'll wait till we arrive then." Ylona said.

Luckily my Mom's sleeping otherwise she would have seen me. Thinking about that nightmare basically makes me want to cry. I want to go cry of all the mistakes I made and what a terrible friend I am. Now I'm afraid to even go back to Canada now.


Well, that was a terrifying nightmare Ac had. Would this actually happen to her? Or would it change?

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