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Aro's POV

"Time of birth is officially 9:23 P.M.," Huilen said quietly. "Your son is 8 pounds, 4 ounces."

"-Think of a number," I interrupted her quickly.

"… I beg your pardon?"

"Think of a number," I insisted. "Any one."

I looked slowly at Lilith's limp form, unsure of what to do.

Huilen had finished cleaning and attending to Coda, and stared at me blankly, determined to keep all visible hatred and disappointment off of her face. "Would you like to hold your son?" she managed to ask through slightly gritted teeth.

Once realization crashed upon me like a wave, I nodded quickly and extracted my child from her arms.

It was strange, really- the last time I had held such a small child was many centuries ago when I was not much older than one myself, and that child had been Didyme.

He squirmed restlessly, unsatisfied within the confines of the wrapped blanket. The blanket blocking my son's face bothered him, too. With a quiet infant grunt and a brief swing of a tiny hand, he attempted to remove the fabric from his view.

Absentmindedly, I folded the blanket aside.

It was rather charming. She went through the entire piece of music, which I came to realize was Lacrimosa, testing out notes as she went. She made a face of annoyance and a sigh of distress of whenever she played the wrong note, and I smiled each time she did so. When she finished practicing, she bit her tongue in concentration and began to play the piece seriously.

In a moment of weakness, my thoughts, plans, and desires went blank in the moment that my eyes fell upon Lilith and I's son.

Despite the low light, I could see that her hair was dark, almost ebony, but parts were naturally lighter from the effects of the sun in streaks. She seemed pale, but, most humans were this time of year. I could not clearly see her face, for she looked not at me, but towards the singing choir below. Her blood smelled rather sweet, enticing me to converse with her further... Though I'm positive that her human eyes could not accurately portray my real appearance in the poor light, I could see her perfectly clear. She wasn't entirely unfortunate looking, which is a lot to say for a human. She had blue eyes that observed me curiously. That shade of blue was hard to describe, for I was indecisive to pinpoint if they were piercing or inviting.

His pale, pearl-colored skin immediately drew my eyes in. The contrast between his skin and his dark raven hair was my next observation. He continued to squirm as my eyes traveled down to meet with his own.

What I saw would have taken the breath right from my lungs, if I had any.

Eerily familiar green eyes stared deep into my own blood red ones. He was unafraid.

Oh, amore mio!

She looked me in the eyes, and I froze. She opened her mouth slightly, and sung a few wordless notes, staring me intensely in the eyes the entire time.

Realization dawning upon me had silenced the entire room. No one, not even my infant son, made any noise.

Not even Lilith's son, I corrected myself.

Lilith gave me a son!

Something inside of me flinched, as if my still heart had momentarily forgotten that it was no longer running.

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