Aro's Idea

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"Ciao Maestro!"

The secretary greeted me because it was her job to do so, and because she knew the punishment if she did not. Humans. They were so easily deceived… so weak… so… replaceable. Yet, they allowed themselves to have such high hopes that were obviously delusional. The secretary hoped to be one of us, that much was clear, but that is because she only sees what she wishes to see. She sees beautiful, graceful, and immortal beings. She has not seen the blood-thirsty monsters that we can truly be… yet.

Personally, I hadn't even bothered to learn her name in the short two months that she has worked here.

I approached her desk without saying a word, and she watched me with wide, frightened eyes. I spotted a stack of post-it notes next to her left hand. I picked them up with one hand, and then proceeded to take the pen that she held in her right hand.

I scribbled down some words before placing the pen back into her open hand and placing the post-it notes into her other hand. She stared at me with a terrified look on her face.

I smiled coyly to myself. I leant down next to her ear and whispered, "Be a dear and get this book from my study. Then, bring it to me."

I continued to walk past her, without so much as a glance, which I'm sure left her wondering what she had done wrong. This, truthfully, wouldn't be the only human this evening that I'd had that effect on.

After that rather… interesting encounter with young and captivating Lilith, I ventured a few streets south to find a drug dealer beating another man, shouting about payment of some sort. The scent of blood had grabbed my attention immediately, and I think it paid off in the end- I feasted on not only one, but two delicious mortals.


I was pulled from my thoughts as I once again refocused on the task at hand. I looked ahead down the main hallway, the same one that Heidi often led tourists through to their doom, and saw Jane walking towards me, a concerned look on her face.

"Ah, Jane, my dear," I greeted her, a smile pulling at my lips. Once she stopped in front of me, I held out my arms in greeting and placed a traditional light kiss on her cheek.

Jane is by far a favorite piece in the 'collection' of the gifted ones of my kind that I've had the pleasure of adding to my guard over the many years. Not only does she appeal to my kinder side because of how remarkable her talents are, but also because she enjoys being here- regardless of Chelsea's influence. Jane is eager to please me by always doing what she is told, which is something I am very delighted with.

"Good evening Master," she greeted me in return with a nod. "How was your hunt?"

"Delightful," I answered in monotone. "But I wish to speak with my brothers immediately. Do you happen to know where they are?"

She looked rather confused at my rushed words. "They are in the throne room, Master."

"Thank you!" I gushed, not bothering to hide my anticipation. I stepped around her and continued down the long hallway quickly.

"Would you like me to accompany you?" Jane called from behind me, sounding alarmed.

"Not at all, my dear!" I replied, trying my best to sound cheerful and resolute. "Go now, take some time off. Spend time with your brother. Or better yet, I believe Heidi is expected to arrive soon with the night tour. Perhaps you could partake in the 'festivities'?"

"… Alright," Jane whispered hesitantly in reply several moments later. But by then, I'd already reached the large stone doors leading to the throne room.

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