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Aro's POV

It was quiet in the hallways as I walked back to Lilith and I's quarters, Didyme and Marcus assumedly have retired for the evening, and Athenodora and Caius most likely had put their quarrels to rest at least until daybreak, when they would most defiantly continue.

I opened the door quietly, knowing the likelihood of Lilith being lost in her dreams.

She was. Her newly colored hair lay untangled but randomly atop of her pillow, and her eyes were closed tightly… a little too tightly.

Curiously, I walked over closer to the bed, and lightly took hold of Lilith's free hand that was flung out away from her body freely.

As if sensing my presence, but not fully awakening, Lilith shrugged her hand away from mine, mumbling something along the lines of, "No."

I smiled and laughed lightly, before smoothing out her hand gently. Her hand fell to her stomach, where our child grew.

Spending the past few days with Caius only gave me more ideas of how I would father my child, both educationally and emotionally. Then the thoughts drifted towards something simpler. A boy, or a girl?

It doesn't matter. I decided after no more than a second of thought. As Caius would surely not compromise his tyrannical-leader-training merely on the basis of Lotus' gender and treat her the same as her brother in that respect, neither would my daughter be subjected to such gender stereotypical ideals that were far past this present age.

Still, if I had a son… I smiled to myself. A son, an heir. It sounded impossible- simply too good to be true. I would train my son to be great leader, teaching him every aspect of manipulating and rising to power…. He would learn over time that sacrifice is the key to retaining power… I would make him a leader that even could be jealous of, and envy. But I would never, ever, make the fatal mistake and reveal that to him.

I would help him control his gifts, though presently I knew little about them, I was positive that in time I would be able to fully understand its strengths.

But a leader like my son will be will be envied by many more than I, and his position, much like my own, would always be one for another's taking. His head would harbor a huge price.

Above everything, I promised myself that for the sake of Lilith, my precious coven, and for the goodness of the immortal world, I would protect my child to the best of my abilities.

Aro… I did a double take, but reminded myself that Lilith's voice had somehow entered my mind earlier, with help from none other than our child.

But the child also enabled Lilith to read my mind… I frowned. Something is not adding up.

Yet Rose and Lilith's powers weren't exactly logical either.


Lilith's POV

When I awoke the next morning, Aro was nowhere to be found, leaving me alone to dwell in my thoughts.

… Surely Aro has realized his mistake. I have nothing to worry about… I was probably just overreacting due to hormones. I laughed shortly to myself. Deciding to go with my unnaturally happy and content mood, I set about getting dressed in another outfit and seeking Aro.

I found Aro, Marcus, Caius, and Didyme in the throne room, each of them readily divulging the text of ancient-looking books.

Once Aro spotted me, he sat down the book he had been reading upon his throne and immediately walked down to meet me at the platform.

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