Midnight Meeting

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WARNING: This story has been posted on here by another author, however, I do not know them and did not give them permission to do so. They also gave me no credit for this work. I AM the original and true author of this story, and for proof, check fanfiction.net, the same title, same username, and compare it with the other author's publishing date. I can honestly guarantee you that it was published in competition there before this other author posted it on here. Just wanted to note that.


This is my first twilight fic... so, go easy on me please, okay?

This is written because, well... I feel like the Volturi wouldn't let the incident in Breaking Dawn slide so easily. Plus, the are really good villains. :)

Feedback is welcome! :)

Chapter 1

Aro's POV

The night was cold. The wind bit with every gust or even the gentlest breeze. The stars were veiled, thanks to the presence of wispy clouds, from which trifling snowflakes fell. As the snowflakes made their descent upon the earth, I ambled along the streets of Tuscany below.

Normally, Marcus, Caius, and I would have our meals brought to us. But lately, it seems, I've wanted to do the task myself. I need a new environment other than my beloved home, occasionally. I need time to think. Thinking is something I've been doing a lot lately, ever since that humiliating encounter with the Cullens.

Humiliating on the Volturi's part, at least. And all because of that little girl- Renesmee. She was truly such a unique marvel. I never thought the possibility of hybrids possible, until I saw her.

Now, I've become obsessed with the once forbidden idea.

To think, that these half-human, half-immortal children could so easily blend in with the humans was incredible. The power they could add- both by gifts, like little Renesmee possessed, and the capability to intermingle with humans was both alluring and inviting. The possibilities for expansion of my coven could be endless, if I so much as possessed one myself.

Sadly, these hybrids were much harder to come by than I'd hoped.

The Volturi would have to make a comeback, and soon. If not, our already wounded integrity would be diminished. Our stronghold of power would soon be challenged.

But this would not happen under my watch. I will find a way to get my revenge, I told myself sternly.

"Humans and their holidays," I muttered apathetically under my breath, noting the silly stringed lights along roofs of buildings, the decorated trees, and the smell of burning fire in the air. Festivities were much more prestigious in my own time of mortality.

Alas, the humans took great joy in celebrating Christmas. I honestly found the whole fiasco quite pathetic. Salvation was but a dream. The fate of a mortal's soul was to be damned or to become damned. I, like my brothers, found my purpose long ago, and to it, to this day, I still hold.

Feeding during this time of year proves to be more challenging as the years pass. Humans usually take time away from their menial tasks to spend time with each other... in their homes. Not that this physically would stop any of my kin from obtaining what we so desire, but the threat of exposure always looms on the horizon.

Not many humans roamed the streets on this day of December 24th. Most of them were already asleep. But I was seeking the select few who were still active despite the lateness of the hour.

As I was contemplating moving to a region further north, where alcohol would be abundant and in turn foolish humans would run amok with their guards down, something of interest floated through the air and to my alert ears. A choir singing. Hm.

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