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Aro's POV

I sat, on my throne, thinking of things to come. I dismissed all guards, leaving me alone to the peace and quiet.

"Aro, I need to speak with you at once."

Caius' determined tone broke me from my lingering thoughts, and I almost jumped in my seat. "Of, course, Caius. What has occurred?"

"I will tell you this- by knowing you will keep it secret as long as it needs to be- I have found a human that will help me hold up my end of the plan, Aro."

My eyes widened slightly with surprise. "You are serious, brother?"

Caius nodded. "Though I will not hesitate to add that I do not plan to replace my wife in the same matter as you have done. This human has one purpose to me, and will be properly disposed of when she has fulfilled that purpose. Athenodora will always be my mate, as I am sure you might have guessed."

I nodded understandingly. As Caius turned to leave, I stopped him. "I truly do hope though, Caius, that you will attend the wedding."

Caius visibly scowled, but said, "I will see what I am able to do. I have no doubt that Athenodora will attend, but as for myself, I find the event quite silly."

"Perhaps," I agreed, "But it is what she wants, even if she has not voiced this aloud. And if Lilith is to be my new wife, I want to please her."

Caius threw me knowing glance before leaving, presumably to return to his wife.

A small wedding ceremony- small meaning only the members of the guard, which, admittedly, was over a hundred- was planned to take place in a week's time. I wanted to assure Lilith that I would not replace her, even though she technically was a replacement herself. She continued to have some doubts about the marriage, but she never denied wanting to be wed.

I had persuaded Lilith to see a physician, just to ensure that she was indeed in good health and good bare me a child with little difficulty. After explaining that it was necessary, she finally gave in. The physician only confirmed good news. Lilith was a virgin- that much I had accurately guessed- and was in good health.

Athenodora, despite her current slight contempt for Lilith, readily volunteered to organize the event, much like she had done with planning the previous party several weeks ago. Though she regularly informed me of her preparations, I had not seen her for quite a few days, leaving me slightly in the dark, but I found spending time with Lilith to be a great distraction.

I gave Lilith unimaginable freedom by simply unlocking her door. She was allowed to leave her room whenever she pleased. However, I still had guards placed at the only exit, simply for safety.

Since Athenodora hadn't spoken to her for several days after the night of the party, my sister had taken in interest in spending time with Lilith as well. Though at first I was hesitant, knowing what they would most likely discuss- me- I saw a special twinkle of happiness in Lilith's eyes after spending time with Didyme. After all, my sister had that effect on everyone. I couldn't bring myself to deny Lilith another's company when I could not provide it myself.

A knock on the door pulled me from my musings. I sat up straighter, and called, "Come in."

Jane opened the door and entered the room, trailed by Santiago, Felix, Chelsea, Heidi, and Corin. Jane carried something in her hands, a sealed envelope, and approached me quietly. After a bow of respect, she handed me the envelope and then returned to her place beside Santiago and Felix.

I eyed the envelope curiously before proceeding to open it. I read the words on the page, and smiled. "Wonderful," I commented aloud. Then, I put the informative paper back in the envelope and put the envelope in one of my suit's pockets.

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