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Lilith's POV

I spent the next three days alone. No one entered my room, and a lock outside of the door forbade me from leaving. The door that once led to an unknown destination was recently revealed as leading to a bathroom.

At least, I think it was three days. It was hard to tell, for there wasn't any sort of clock in the room that I've come to know as my 'prison cell'.

Aro took be back to my room after I met those strange, red-eyed people, including the two men he referred to as his 'brothers'. I'm pretty sure Aro is involved with some sort of demonic cult, I decided afterwards. After Aro left me to be by myself, I decided to get some more sleep, for if an opportunity of escape occurred, I'd most likely need the energy.

When I awoke next, I drew back the curtains that covered the window in the room. To my dismay, I had found nothing but a beautiful (though I hated to admit it) view of the countryside, which appeared to continue for miles. This increased my worries, as the Robersons and Marietta lived only a few minutes from the coastline.

Now, going on day three (based purely on what I could observe of the sunrises and sunsets, I had not seen another living soul.

Being alone could be perceived as a blessing. But to me, it is a curse. I spent the days dwelling in my own thoughts and fear of what was awaiting me.

I also worried about those who would miss my presence, such as the Robersons, and Marietta, eventually, and my friends back in the United States, who would start to worry if I was not heard from.

I sighed in frustration, turned away from looking longingly out of the window, and plopped myself down on the couch below it.

Aro's POV

"But the question remains- what do you plan to do with her now?" Caius paused, before adding, "I would hope that the girl is reprimanded for embarrassing me."

I sighed thoughtfully, wishing I could have put off this discussion for one more day.

Caius and I were in the middle of a discussion concerning Lilith. Marcus was in the main study, keeping to himself and out of the way, as he usually does, while Caius and I have our 'political' discussions. While Caius and I discussed the main topic of the week in the throne room, Jane, Alec, Athenodora, and Renata kept us company, ready to serve us if needed.

Caius watched me with an irritable look planted on his face, while sitting on his throne. Athenodora stood by his side, petting his hair slowly but surely in a vain attempt to soothe him. Unfortunately, her efforts did little to lighten his darkened mood.

"This shall be the most difficult part of the plan," I decided aloud. I was standing in front of a table off to the right of the heightened platform, with several light reading books lying open upon it.

"I thought you had thought every aspect of the plan through?" Caius asked innocently enough.

I was mindful of the others in the room, who did not know of the plan I had devised with my brothers. They also had yet to be informed as to why the human girl was being treated as a guest and not a meal. "Yes, I did. But even while I was contemplating, I knew that the most difficult part would be during the time which has fallen upon us now."

I closed a book I was briefly scanning over and moved onto another one. "And what about you, Caius- how have your recent efforts to implement the plan been going?"

Athenodora gave Caius a curious look, but said nothing. Caius looked uncertainly at her for a quick moment before answering, "I believe I may have found one who will help me accomplish my part of this scheme, but further researching is needed."

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