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Aro's POV

As much as I wanted to avoid the man-watching-a-woman-sleep cliché, I couldn't help but draw my attention to Lilith as she unknowingly draped her arm over my chest in her sleep, as if hugging me.

Trying not to laugh too loud, I attempted to adjust myself so that I could be comfortable without disturbing her too much. As I did so, a brief flash of light caught my eye.

Lightly, I moved a strand of her hair away, and saw that her right ear was double pierced. Curiously, I looked at her left ear, and found it also to be double pierced, but the top cartilage had a small studded earring as well.

Then, I laughed to myself as I realized that I was in the stage where everything about my significant other fascinated me.

I looked at a clock that hung on the wall above the fireplace, and saw that it read 9:30 A.M. Suddenly, Lilith yawned, and my attention was drawn to her.

Slowly, her eyes opened, but when she saw that it was only I that she had claimed as her make-do pillow, she closed them and pretended to fall back asleep.

"Good morning to you too," I greeted her sarcastically, with a smile playing on my lips. I started shifting her so that I could get out of the bed, and she sighed, slightly frustrated.

I finally managed to fully climb out from underneath the corners. When I put my feet on the ground, not bothering to grab anything to cover myself with, I turned back to Lilith. I leaned across the bed and kissed her briefly, saying, "I am going to get cleaned up. You are welcome to join me."

She mumbled something not understandable, so I proceeded to walk to the bathroom.

Lilith's POV

Once Aro entered the bathroom, leaving the door cracked slightly open, I quietly untangled myself out from underneath the covers. I quietly and stealthy walked across the room, before letting myself into the bathroom.

At first, I did not see Aro anywhere- but I heard movement coming from the bathing pool, and that was where I finally spotted him.

Never mind the fact that I had been living with countless immortals for several weeks, Aro still never ceased to fascinate me. As he swam, my mortal eyes imagined the scene to be taking place in slow motion, as he very easily could have been.

Finally, as if he felt me staring, he froze, and turned to face me, standing up on his feet as they reached the bottom barely enough for the top half of his chest and up to be above the surface of the water.

"There is room for two," he informed me plainly, but I noticed a hint of playfulness in his red eyes.

"Oh, I do not know if I should join you," I said, feigning slight distress, "There is no lifeguard on duty!"

Aro chuckled. "No, but I will be able to ensure your safety," he replied, playing along. "But while I am watching over you, I will not be able to promise you that I will watch out for sharks."

"Sharks? I wouldn't worry about sharks- you bite more than they do," I said, honestly.

Aro smiled. "Just get in, if you will."

With a slight nod, I walked over to the edge of the pool. Finding the deepest part of the pool, I jumped in.

The water was refreshing. It was not too cool, and not too warm- it was just right. I stayed under the surface for a moment, simply enjoying the quiet and peaceful surrounding. When I started to lack oxygen, I swam up, and as my head broke the surface, I opened my eyes, and looked for Aro.

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