Part 16: The Ceremony

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It was the middle of the day and the battles were almost over. Down in the trainers area was Ash, pikachu and eevee stretching because they were going up next.

Bonnie and Clemont decided that they were going to sit in the arena and wait for Ash's battle while Serena and Red were with Ash, watching him get ready.

"Good luck son" Red complimented

"I don't need luck dad, this will be over before you say Daylight" Ash said confidently

Red and Serena chuckled at Ash's behavior. Serena walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good luck Ashy" she smiled

"Thanks Sere, but I can beat these fools with just one look at you" Ash smirked

Serena giggled "I know" was all she said before Ash got called out battle field

"I'll see tou guys in a few" Ash waved to Serena and Red and he walked off

Time Skip
It was now time for the ceremony for the 16 trainers left and the gang were on their way.

Red and Clemont were wearing black suits while Ash was wearing a white suit with white gloves. Bonnie was wearing a strapless light blue sparkly dress with a light blue head band. Serena was wearing a skinny red sparkly dress with a red feather hat on and with gloves like Ash's.

"This is so gonna be fun" Bonnie laughed

"I agree, the dinner will be exciting" Clemont said causing everyone to facepalm

"And that's why you don't have a girlfriend" Red muttered

"No Clemont, tonight we get to have some fun with the traitors" Serena corrected

"Ooh" Clemont said

"Well lets go in and started this so I can go to bed, I'm exhausted" comfort Ash

"Ok, lets go in" agreed Serena

Thry all walked in the golden doors and saw that it was packed with people. There was a table in the front for them amd they sat there. Next to the was none other then the traitors but they ignored them.

Ash turned to Serena who nodded and they turned to Bonnie, Clemont, Red, eevee and pikachu who nodded.

"Ok lucario and mew, lets make this happen" Ash whispered and he turned invisible.

He used his aura and saw lucario and mew ready. He walked besides the traitors table and he pick up two plates of spaghetti along with lucario. They nodded towards mew used her power one each one of them.

They all stood up and started to dance like crazy. Everyone else in the room started to laugh at them, so did the gang. That's when Ash and lucario poured the spaghetti down theirbacks.

They screamed as the fresh hot spaghetti was dump down their backs. Ash walked back to his seat and turned visible again. He and the gang started to crack up so much they couldn't breath.

"Oh god Ash! I swear to Arceus you are so bad"Bonnie laughed

"Why thank you bon bon but there's more" Ash chuckled

Just then, they started to confess their most embarrassing secrets ever making everyone laugh even harder.

"C'mon, lets go back to our room and skip this pathetic comedy" Red said coldly

"Aww, but dad, we were just about to watch the good part" pouted Ash

"Yes but we need to get up bright and early for tommorow son, I have some important stuff to do" Red said and secretly winked at everyone but Ash

They winked back and nodded, agreeing to what Red was planning.

"Yeah Ash, I have to put Bonnie to bed, we have to go into town and get some supplies" Clemont said and Bonnie 'yawned'.

"And I have performance pratice tommorow until noon but I'll be with you for the rest of the day" Serena said

Ash signed and nodded "Fine... lets go"

They gang got up and left the room while the traitors were still yelling as lucario and mew still poured food on them.

The gang entered their seperate rooms and got ready for bed after saying goodnight to each other.

Ash and Serena entered their bed while pikachu and eevee snuggled beside Ash's pillow. Once they were in their PJ's, Ash wrapped his arms around Serena's waist lightly and Serena put her head in his chest.

"Well we got to see some fun didn't we" Serena said and drew small circles around Ash's chest

"Yes we did and it was hilarious, I'm still chucking about it" Ash said and they both chckled and giggled

When they were done, they leaned their heads on each other and smiled.

"I love you my little kalos queen" Ash said softly

"I love you too my champion" Serena replied and placed her hand on Ash's cheek

They closed the gap between them with a tender and deep kiss, pressing their lips harder aganist each other every second. After 15 minutes, they released their kiss and looked into the others eyes with love and bliss. Ash turned off the lights and went back to cuddling Serena.

"Goodnight sweetheart" Ash said and closed his eyes

"Goodnight baby" Serena replied and closed her eyes

1 hour past and Ash was sound asleep. Serena peeked open her eyes and taped pikachu's and eevee's head.

Pikachu and eevee shot up and nodded. Serena slowly released Ash's grip and grabbed pikachu and eevee and walked out of the room. Serena knocked on three bed room doors and out came Red, Clemont and Bonnie.

"So the plan starts tommorow right?" Bonnie whispered

"Yes, does everyone know what they are suppose to bring and do" Serena said and everyone nodded

"Good, do you know what to do pikachu and vee vee?" Serena asked the two little pokemon in her arms

"Pika pi" pikachu nodded

"Vee eve" eevee nodded

"Alright, then lets get to sleep before Ash wakes uo and see's that we're gone" Red said and they all went back to their rooms and quietly closed the door.

Serena quietly sprinted to the bed and gently placed pikachu and eevee back in his spot and quickly went back on the bed and cuddled Ash and slept through the night on his chest with a godly smile on her face.

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